Interview Paper

You will interview one person who belongs to a cultural group that is different from your own. You will ask your interviewee about interpersonal conflict in his or her culture(s), and how it is similar and/or different from your own. You will then use the results of the interview to analyze how your own cultural communication practices, with regard to conflict, compare with those of your interviewee

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Write a paper of 2-3 pages about the proposed interventions for your problem/issue supported by evidence collected by conducting a literature search and review. I


Write a paper of 2-3 pages about the proposed interventions for your problem/issue supported by evidence collected by conducting a literature search and review. Integrate the information into your project.  The assignment should include:

1.The extent of evidence-based data for proposed interventions. 2.Comprehensive description of factors that might influence the use of proposed interventions.

3.Identify the barriers related to the proposed interventions. 4.Detailed list of resources that will be needed. 5.Detailed steps, or sequence of events, or specific implementation activities that will be required to implement the intervention. 6.Monitoring, tracking and ongoing review. 7.Performance of tasks required for implementation. Staff responsible in the implementation of the interventions and their qualifications. 8.Strategies that facilitate the implementation of the proposed intervention. 9.Timeline. 10.Expected outcomes to be achieved by your project.


•Length: 2-3 pages •Format: APA 6th ed.

•Research: At least one peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years

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"Counterproductive Work Behavior (CWB)" Please respond to the following:

Choose one (1) CWB from the abuse against others category and one (1) CWB from the production deviance category, and then examine at least two (2) possible causes of each CWB. Next, provide at least one (1) example of the potential impact of each chosen CWB on an organization.

Using the two (2) causes of each CWB from Part 1, suggest the course of action an employer could take in order to change the employees’ behaviors, as well as to address the possible diagnosed contributors to those CWBs. Justify your response.


Force Rankings” Please respond to the following:

  • Take a stance for or against forced ranking. Support your response with examples of two (2) pros and two (2) cons that you must consider in your stance.
  • Specify two (2) legal considerations to which an organization may be susceptible if it were to implement forced ranking performance evaluation systems unfairly and inaccurately. Suggest the key corrective actions that an organization could take in order to rectify issues that arise from said unfair and inaccurate  implementation.


“Technology and Performance Management”  Please respond to the following:

  • Select two (2) technology enablers, and evaluate the degree to which each enabler supports the main goals and purposes of performance management. Support your response with two (2) examples of the application of the selected technology in the performance management process.
  • Propose two (2) challenges that an organization may experience when using technology in its performance management process. Analyze the overall impact of each challenge on an organization’s ability to achieve its performance management goals. Suggest one (1) strategy that the organization can use to address each challenge. Justify your response.
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Business in the global environment.

Follow assignment instructions below

You just stared a business

1. First, tell me what your new business is. Do you provide a service, or a product? Define this business you have spent so much time dreaming of starting.

2. Next, develop a PEST Analysis using this template: PEST-analysis-template-doc.doc


3. Finally, describe how you are going to grow this business in the global environment.

Here are the requirements:

For Parts 1 and 3, develop a Word document and clearly label each section. Use APA formatting (no Abstract required). Focus on quality of writing and content, as opposed to length. For part 2, use the PEST Analysis Template. Your PEST analysis needs to be placed in an appendix section of this combined paper.Review and follow the grading rubricSubmit your completed assignment (1 paper with all 3 parts)

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Standard Design a Flow Chart the work of Apptentive tool for Mobile application development and its features

Including flowchart,

The Document must be 2-3 slides/Pages(PDF format) and Please includes the following points

  1. How Apptentive works.
  2. Apptentive Integration with iOS app development environment.
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of Apptentive.
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Strategic Planning: A Road Map to Success


Strategies: Plans for achieving organizational goals (Stevenson, 2018, pg. 44).


There are stages to strategic planning and it’s important that they are followed in order to achieve organizational goals:

1. Boundary Conditions and Specification of Decision Criteria: This is the first stage in the strategic planning process. It’s management’s job to visualize the scope with clarity; understanding the market and business of which they conduct to plan strategically (Kukreja, 2013). Understanding the criteria will eliminate confusion of the main objective in pursuing the organization’s goals (Kukreja, 2013).

2. Industry Analysis: There are some great tools that are available to utilize purposely to reveal opportunities and to disclose weaknesses within an organization. Tools such as SWOT, PESTLE, SCP, Porters 5 forces and Scenario Planning (Kukreja, 2013).

3. Status Quo Analysis: This specific analysis supposes that the organization doesn’t implement any type of major adjustment any time soon. The organization focuses on operational effectiveness and tactical procedures purposely to achieve more profit, lower expenses, and increased market share (Kukreja, 2013).

4. Strategic Options Generation: This step includes the Executive Committee/Senior Leadership Team and can be time consuming. The leadership team should be able to explain the specific strategy in one or two pages. Understanding key success factors promotes a crucial role in underlining different strategic options (Kukreja, 2013).

5. Options Assessment and Evaluation: Financial analysis is included at this stage and specific tools such as scenario planning are utilized. Decision making is made at this stage under uncertainty. A strategist is expected to spend some time with their appointed project team and they brainstorm amongst different scenarios, various assumptions and decisions pertaining to the price and volume of their commodity (Kukreja, 2013).

6. Articulation of Strategic Roadmap: Once the strategic options have been formulated, the strategic plan is submitted to the decision makers. Key issues must be addressed such as the game plan, goals, risks/returns and investments. There must be an agreed upon plan before implemented (Kukreja, 2013).

7. Deployment of Strategy: Once there has been a strategy document agreed upon by the leadership team, there are many different tools that can be utilized by the organization to implement their specific strategy. One that is highly effective is a Balanced Scorecard. This tool displays a visual report between the organization’s strategic objective and the key results produced by the strategy which has been implemented by the leadership team (Kukreja, 2013).


This specific article that I have chosen relates to the key term strategies, which pertains to planning purposely to achieve organizational goals. To produce efficiently in an organization, there must be planning conducted by the leadership team. Strategic planning is provided as a guide, giving direction in pursuit for their organization’s specified goals. Strategic planning is a game plan on how an organization attempts to profit from utilizing their resources in an efficient manner. Goals are destinations and strategies are the roadmaps purposely provided to guide an organization into success (Stevenson, 2018, pg. 45).


Graham, Kenny (2018) “6 Steps to Make your Strategic Plan really Strategic.”

Kukreja, Deepak (2013) “Strategic Planning: A Roadmap to Success.”

Redman, Paul B. (2013) “Five Essentials of Strategic Planning.”

Stevenson, William J. (2018) “Operations Management.” Thirteenth Edition. Published by

McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121

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Military Hist Paper

The US officers and soldiers who fought the Vietnam War did so on battlefields that were very different from the ones many American GIs faced in WWII.  In the Second World War, as we discussed it, often large conventional forces clashed on the open plains of Europe, the deserts of North Africa, and the jungles of the Pacific theater. Frederick Downs, Jr., in The Killing Zone, describes a different kind of war in Vietnam.  Write an essay that explains the nature of battle as he typically experienced it, as well as four of the major problems that he and his men commonly faced.  What toll did this war take on him, both mentally and physically?

  • This paper should be 1100 to 1400 words in length (no more or less) and double spaced.
  • It must be submitted online (through Canvas) as a Word document by the beginning of class on the date specified below. Papers turned in after the deadline will be considered late and penalized accordingly. Late papers will earn no more than 70 if turned within a week of the due date and a 60 if more than a week late. I will not accept any late papers after our last class meeting before the final exam.
  • Proofread! Papers that obviously have not been proofread or contain numerous careless errors will be returned ungraded and then assessed the appropriate late penalty when resubmitted.
  • All assignments must include the word count for the body of the paper, page numbers, and a full citation for the book at the top of the first page. Use the Chicago Manual of Style (Links to an external site.) for the proper format (or see the books listed on the syllabus, which are correctly formatted). A bibliography is not needed, unless students draw from works other than the one assigned.
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Case Study

Recently, Kathy Smith, a project manager for a large industrial construction organization, was assigned to oversee a multimillion-dollar chemical plant construction project in Southeast Asia. Kathy had earned this assignment after completing a number of smaller construction assignments in North America over the past three years. This was her first overseas assignment and she was eager to make a good impression, particularly given the size and scope of the project. Successfully completing this project would increase her visibility within the organization dramatically and earmark her as a candidate for upper management. Kathy had good project management skills; in particular, she was organized and highly self-motivated. Team members at her last two project assignments used to joke that just trying to keep up with her was a full-time job. Kathy wasted no time settling in to oversee the development of the chemical plant. Operating under her normal work approach, Kathy routinely required her staff and the senior members of the project team to work long hours, ignoring weekend breaks if important milestones were coming up, and generally adopting a round the-clock work approach for the project. Unfortunately, in expecting her team, made up of local

residents, to change their work habits to accommodate her expectations, Kathy completely misread the individuals

on her team. They bitterly resented her overbearing style, unwillingness to consult them on key

questions, and aloof nature. Rather than directly confront her, however, team members began a campaign

of passive resistance to her leadership. They would purposely drag their feet on important assignments

or cite insurmountable problems when none, in fact, existed. Kathy’s standard response was to push herself

and her project team harder, barraging subordinates with increasingly urgent communications demanding

faster performance. To her bewilderment, nothing seemed to work. The project quickly became bogged down due

to poor team performance and ended up costing the project organization large penalties for late delivery.

Although Kathy had many traits that worked in her favor, she was seriously lacking in the ability to recognize

the feelings and expectations of others and take them into consideration.


1.  Discuss how Kathy lacked sufficient emotional

intelligence to be effective in her new project

manager assignment.

2.  Of the various dimensions of emotional intelligence,

which dimension(s) did she appear to lack

most? What evidence can you cite to support this


This assignment involves that the student read the case study and answer all questions at the end of the case study in a 4-5 page paper. Your answers must include substantial support from at least two (2) scholarly journal articles on project management.

Should be written in should be in APA formatting (title page, reference page, NO abstract page, in-text citations, running head, page numbers, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, double-spacing, etc…).

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CT 6 Mod 13 506

Using the Survival Curve dataset tab located in the Framingham Heart Study Dataset, perform a Kaplan-Meier test to determine the survival curve for the Survival Curve data.

Upload the Excel spreadsheet into R Studio or perform the Kaplan-Meier test in Excel.

H0 The survival time is not related to the patient treatment group. (Null Hypothesis)

H1 The survival time is related to the patient treatment group. (Alternative Hypothesis)



1.  Present your findings as a Survival Curve chart in a Word document, including a title page, an introduction explaining why you would conduct a survival analysis, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the survival analysis, and a conclusion.

2. Your submission should be 4 pages to discuss and display your findings.

3. Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but others must be external.

4. Follow APA writing standards.

5. No plagiarism.

6. The resources are not more than 5 years ago.

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Planning Benefits Strategically


Planning Benefits StrategicallyInternal and external forces will greatly impact organizational strategies and this is also the case with strategies for planning employee benefits. On page 484 of the textbook, review the list of internal forces that influence benefit strategy and select any 2 that you feel might have the greatest influence and explain why. Then, select 1 external force influencing benefits strategy with the greatest influence and also explain why. Internal and external forces to the organization influence the bottom-line impact of employee benefits. (See Figure 20.1.) Internal forces originate from changes in business practices and the human resources function that define attraction, motivation, retention, and engagement strategies. These forces include the following: Corporate restructuring. Mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and corporate restructuring efforts can lead to profit centers that are more centralized or more decentralized. Under these circumstances, a successful benefits package must adapt constantly to evolving corporate configurations.Business reengineering and the quality movement. Process improvement initiatives such as reengineering and total quality are increasingly being applied to the HR function. As a result, benefits departments need to:Provide service to various customer groups and constituencies.Streamline work processes.Provide improved, cost-effective services to their customers. These objectives need to be accomplished even as benefits staff sizes are frozen or reduced. New corporate cultures. In the “good old days,” the corporation functioned largely as a parent. Employees felt a sense of entitlement because their career and benefits were perceived as the responsibility and domain of management. Today, organizations are replacing the traditional parental employer-employee relationships with partnerships. Career employment, where employees work 20–25 years with the same organization, is no longer the norm. In this new culture, employees assume greater personal responsibility for their benefits. They are, for example, paying a greater percentage of benefits costs (e.g., copayments and higher deductibles under health care plans). Additionally, employees increasingly are planning for their retirement and long-term financial security through personal savings and defined contribution plans. Today’s partnership requires employees to use employer-sponsored benefits programs effectively and to assume responsibility for the implications of their choices.Unions. Depending on industry and geographic region, the development, design, and redesign of benefits programs is influenced heavily by organized labor, which helps shape employee expectations. The most visible arena has been in “smokestack” industries, where active employee and retiree medical benefits have been the focal point of labor negotiations.Cost management. Despite an apparent stabilization of benefits costs, corporate executives remember the past decade of rapidly escalating and seemingly uncontrollable health benefits costs that prompted intense interest and scrutiny from corporate boardrooms, the media, and the federal and state governments. A well-planned strategy can improve overall benefits cost management as well as cost management on a per-plan basis.Total rewards philosophy. Total rewards can be defined as “all of the tools available to the employer that may be used to attract, motivate, and retain employees.” The concept of total rewards is an effective way to illustrate an organization’s total investment in human capital and to demonstrate the significant investment that organizations make in employee benefits plans. Employees might not always appreciate the costs involved in benefits, but organizations have no choice but to recognize what they are spending and to evaluate whether the investment is worthwhile. FIGURE 20.1 Forces that influence benefits strategy. In general terms, external forces—domestic and global—demand that corporations develop coherent strategies to ensure their competitiveness and profitability. While many external forces can be anticipated, their specific impact is not easily predicted. External forces include the following: Global economy and labor market. Country-specific government mandates and regional precedents or cultural norms can define benefits expectations. It is an ongoing challenge in today’s global environment, where new markets are constantly being created, to design and manage a benefits package that balances corporate business objectives with each country’s particular regulations and customs.U.S. political and legal environment. Government rules, regulations, and court decisions add complexity to the benefits environment. The constraints placed upon organizations by government can increase the difficulty of day-to-day benefits administration, and it complicates corporate policymaking and program design. For example, the U.S. federal government might decide to reduce its deficit by taxing benefits—a move that would have profound implications for employee benefits plans. Or state-specific legislation might promote health care reform in scattered regions throughout the country, creating difficulties for employers with operations that cross state boundaries. Unclear court decisions can promote legal challenges to longstanding corporate policies. When legal decisions and/or regulations contradict, complexity evolves quickly into confusion.The Information Revolution. The so-called Information Revolution is continually redefining business operations, success, and productivity. Sales in new micro-markets, customer satisfaction, and reduced cycle times are among the new performance measures being developed and refined. The Information Revolution is redefining corporate culture and employee expectations. Employees expect newer, better, and faster services, products, and information from the human resources function. THE STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS From a strategic standpoint, benefits should not be viewed as individual plans or programs but instead as integrated sets of plans to be managed as any other business function. They should be viewed as an integral component of a total rewards package and as part of an investment in human capital. In addition, benefits should be viewed not as a “fringe” cost but instead as a business tool to reinforce and support an organization’s goals. In this context, benefits programs cannot be defined in terms of narrowly defined, program-specific goals. Each benefits program—health, welfare, retirement, or work-life—should be evaluated in relation to other benefits programs as well as in relation to all other compensation and human resources initiatives. Strategic benefits planning is a process that facilitates those efforts. Strategic benefits planning combines a way of thinking that is specific to each organization with an ongoing process. Because of this, there needs to be an ongoing process of realignment between organization-sponsored benefits programs and the strategic business direction. Strategic benefits planning is not a one-time event but a continuous effort to provide corporations with a return on their investment in employees. The process includes an evaluation of existing benefits programs and concludes with a definition of the direction for future employer-sponsored programs and policies. In essence, strategic benefits planning addresses the following question: How can the organization’s benefits plans better support the business direction? Strategic benefits plans are not static documents developed in a vacuum. Instead, they are dynamic blueprints that reflect and balance an organization’s business mission and strategic business direction with the human resources mission. Successful strategic planning efforts consist of several defined characteristics. The following elements characterize organizations that are engaged in strategic benefits planning: Long-term perspectivee. While most strategic benefits planning is seen as an ongoing process tied to an overriding business strategic plan and culture, many organizations adopt concrete time frames (e.g., three to five years) within which an organization can identify, achieve, and sometimes evaluate clearly defined and measurable goals. Strategic benefits plans should not generate knee-jerk reactions.Consideration of scenarios that might reasonably affect the organizationn. Strategic plans should relate benefits to the business function(s). Because strategic benefits planning generally is not intended to be an academic exercise, the process should reflect the current business realities as well as situations that may affect the organization in an identified time frame. Specifically, the strategic planning process and plans need to reflect the corporate structure. For example, centralized and decentralized organizations likely will produce strategic plans that are significantly different. This is partially the result of different decision-making structures. For another example, organizations that expect a tremendous increase in domestic sales and domestic employees are likely to articulate a strategic benefits plan that is far different from the plan by an organization whose projected sales may be similar in volume but are the result of global expansion. Organizations in mature or declining industries, or organizations that expect to divest or close operations, likely will develop distinctly different plans from those in growth industries.Expansion of the traditional definition of benefits and benefits management. In addition to looking at benefits and benefits design as an integrated whole, strategic benefits planning provides a broader definition of benefits and benefits management. This occurs in at least four ways. (See Figure 20.2.) FIGURE 20.2 An expanded view of benefits. APPROACHES TO STRATEGIC BENEFITS PLANNING A simple conceptual model can help managers understand the strategic benefits planning process. This model is predicated upon an organization’s overarching human resources vision and philosophy that links benefits to business strategy. For example, a hypothetical organization called Management Group might have as its mission to be a national outsource vendor that provides the highest-quality customer-driven and computer-based training/development and services. Management Group’s human resources philosophy would include providing employees with the opportunity to earn a total rewards package that is in the top quartile. Management Group’s benefits philosophy would be to provide a competitive benefits package that is affordable to both the company and employees, and that contains innovative benefits. Following are the key elements of the conceptual model for the strategic benefits planning process: A philosophy articulates what an organization believes in and what it values. It incorporates the organization’s overall view and vision of how it must operate to achieve its business objectives.A mission answers three fundamental questions: who we are, why we are here, and what we are doing. A mission encompasses the goals of the overall benefits package and specific program benefits, and it provides insight into how benefits programs interrelate with each other and other human resources initiatives.Strategies are detailed statements that contain quantifiable objectives (e.g., time frames, financial goals, organizational intent). They provide a framework to align and/or refine benefits programs to support the organization’s mission.Tactics are the detailed methods that will be used to achieve desired change or changes. Tactics might include steps to design new programs or to redesign existing programs.Assessment incorporates a review of how the planning process worked. It covers factors such as whether goals and objectives were met. This simple model provides an overview of the strategic planning process. To implement the model, there are two possible approaches that represent two ends of a continuum: the “top-down” approach and the “backing-in” approach. Most organizations employ various aspects of the two approaches when organizing the benefits planning process and/or educating managers about the value of strategic benefits planning. Top-Down Approach The top-down approach to strategic benefits planning allows for a balancing of corporate business goals with organization-sponsored human resources and benefits programs. After longer-term, strategic goals are set for specific program groups (e.g., health, welfare, retirement) or administrative/management functions (e.g., outsourcing, financing), shorter-term, tactical objectives for specific plans are articulated. The approach is somewhat analogous to a plumbing system consisting of a series of valves that can be opened or closed while responding to changing business objectives. For example, suppose that an organization with a top-down strategic benefits plan begins a three-year initiative. During the first year, it evaluates all health and welfare plans. During the second year, it completes a strategic analysis of its retirement programs. The third year results in a transition to a credit-based full flex plan that integrates the organization’s compensation, benefits, and work-life elements into a total rewards package. A top-down strategic benefits plan is contextual. It is driven purely by business needs, which are identified and communicated by senior management. The business mission and strategic plan from which benefits philosophies are derived provide a structure for developing the overall benefits package along with specific programs. The top-down approach is especially useful when a full review of all programs is necessary. It forces a critical examination of the benefits package that is both programmatic and administrative. In other words, the top-down approach is especially useful when previously employed “quick fixes” prove to be too expensive or unwieldy to administer. The model also can be quite valuable in decentralized organizations where, at a minimum, it can facilitate benefits decisions that balance corporate requirements with the needs of diverse subsidiaries. In some environments, the model can force corporate leadership to make difficult or unpopular decisions.

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