Five I’s Strategic Analysis

Please the format is APA and is 2-3 pages paper.

For Lululemon, a yoga and fitness retailer, 2013 was a turbulent year. Lululemon had a number of product issues and the CEO seemed to place the blame on customers rather than on the company. The following websites detail the events of 2013:

Using the five I’s strategic analysis stages beginning on page 52 of Business, Society, and Government Essentials, write a paper analyzing how you might use the five stages to help Lululemon deal with its strategic stakeholders to avoid future public relations issues.

Below is the Links to the supporting page regarding the assignment:




Please I need a plagiarism free assured work.

Format is APA

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Article Analysis

The Metropolis and Mental Life- Please read article attached.

In this assignment you will explore Simmel’s classic essay “The Metropolis and Mental Life” by gathering visual images and paring them with text from Simmel’s essay. This is a photo essay. It is meant to explore Simmel’s theories and concepts using visual images taken from your present day world.

First read Simmel’s essay carefully which is attached, taking notes on interesting passages, topics, and concepts. Then select five quotes, concepts, or passages of interest from Simmel’s essay. Take five different photos that visually represent each quote or concept. Assemble your photos and the related text into a 5-slide PowerPoint Presentation. ** Remember LESS IS MORE when it comes to text on a PowerPoint – keep quotes and text as short as possible, or consider representing a single concept with your photo.

Briefly walk us through each slide and discuss how you chose to take your photos and why. Make sure to discuss passages or concepts from the text in reference to each photo when giving your presentation

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Ethical Decision Making

Joe has scheduled a meeting with his management team for next week to talk about the Peninsula Hotel chain contract. He hopes that he will be able to work with them to draft a contract favorable to Peninsula that will ensure its renewal for another year. He is reasonably sure that the contract renewal will ensure his continued success and employment with UWEAR.

On his way out of the office today, Joe receives a call from Bill.

Bill: “Joe, how are you doing? Got any great plans for the weekend?”
Joe: “No, my wife and I are just planning on hanging out at home and relaxing. How about you?”
Bill: “My family and I are planning a short trip on the yacht. We haven’t been out in a while, and the weather looks perfect. Maybe you and your wife could join us? We haven’t seen you guys in quite a while, and it will be good to catch up.”

Joe is relieved to get the invitation from Bill because their relationship has been strained lately because of the contract negotiations.

Joe must decide how he will answer Bill’s invitation to join him and his family on their yacht. Complete the following in a paper of 500–700 words, excluding cover and reference pages.

Part I:

Address the following:

  • Apply the rational choice model to arrive at your recommendation for Joe regarding his response to the invitation to spend the weekend on Bill’s yacht.
  • In what ways do you agree or disagree with the result of applying the rational choice model?

Part II:

  • What ethical theory supports the response to this invitation that you recommend to Joe?
  • Why would you use this theory? 
  • What is an alternative recommendation, applying a different ethical theory? 
  • Compare and contrast your recommendation with the alternative.
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Write an (>400 word) essay answering one of the following questions. 

1. What is the recognized pattern of pain behavior (language of distress) in a patient? Is there a difference in how the health care professional or the patient recognize pain?

2. Does the patient’s own socio-cultural background have an influence in how pain is seen or recognized?

3. Does the patient’s own socio-cultural background have an influence on how pain behavior is accepted, encouraged, or whether or not pain is responded to by others? 

Chapter 8, Culture and Pharmacology: Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco

Discussion Topic

Actions for ‘Chapter 8, Culture and Pharmacology: Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco’

Write an (>400 word) essay answering one of the following questions. 

1. Which factors contribute to towards the total drug effect? Is it the drug itself, the patient, the play, the micro-context or the macro-contest?

2. In normal drinking, what are the rules about: who is allowed to drink?, in whose company is drinking allowed to take place?, what can be drunk?, at what times can drinking take place?, in relation of drinking to religious and social festivals/events?

3. What symbolic role does cigarette smoking play in the patient’s daily activities, self-image, social relationship?

4. What rituals are a feature of the patient’s death culture, regarding: the preparation of the deceased?, the disposal of the deceased?, the timing and locality of the funeral?, the role of traditional death attendants?, the role of religious figures, the role of the health professionals/, the nature and duration of the grieving process?

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Reflection Paper

The Frivolity of Evil 

Please use MLA format.

Words: 1000-1500



Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument. 

you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS

1) What is the author’s main argument?

2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)?

3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 

4) Why or why not? 

5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.

A WORD OF WARNING: These articles are rather long and complex. The author likes to make extensive use of his rather copious vocabulary, so I strongly urge you to have handy as you work your way through your chosen article. The purpose of this essay assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to discuss, analyze, and evaluate complex philosophic arguments. I am confident that the reading assignments, tests, and discussion boards will have prepared you for this final, and no doubt challenging, essay assignment.

Note: I only allow one attempt on this assignment. Students who do not fully address all of the components of the assignment as stated in the instructions as well as the grading rubric below will have to be content with the grade they earned. 

Your paper will be graded according to the following rubric:

Grading Rubric:

The following standards are numbered in order of importance for grading. 

1.Essay demonstrates an understanding of the material: The student has correctly grasped a philosophical problem or question, has explained it accurately, and on the basis of a substantially correct interpretation of any texts involved. Key terms are used correctly. The essay shows evidence of the student’s independent thought, and is written in his or her distinctive voice. Short (one sentence) quotations are used (comprising no more than 10% of the body of the paper), when appropriate, to support the writer’s analysis, and an explanation is offered for each quotation. The use of block quotations will result in a severe point deduction.

95 points

2.Essay has clear and coherent argument: There is a clearly stated thesis, and support for this thesis in the body of the paper. Each paragraph contributes to this argument, and follows logically from the paragraph before it. The argument presented is persuasive. The insights of two other philosophers are incorporated into the analysis.

95 points

3.Essay fulfills assigned task: The essay addresses the entire assigned question or topic, elaborating on important ideas in satisfactory depth, but without bringing in anything extraneous or irrelevant. The introduction of the essay focuses and provides clarity for the paper. Important terms are clearly and accurately defined. Each paragraph conveys a coherent, organized thought. Short (one sentence) quotations are occasionally used, when appropriate, to support the writer’s analysis, and an explanation is offered for each quotation. No more than 10% of paper is made up of direct quotes. No block quotations. 

40 points

4.Essay obeys standards for good persuasive writing: the writer shows that he or she is comfortable using philosophical language, and the prose is clear, not awkward. The structure of the sentences reflects the relationships between/among the ideas discussed. 

40 points

5.Essay is technically correct: The essay has been carefully and thoughtfully proofread. The argument is written in complete sentences, with punctuation that does not mislead the reader. There are no mistakes in spelling, grammar, word choice, and punctuation.    

 30 points

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Manufacturing Parameters

  1. Manufacturing Parameters

Manufacturers have to establish parameters for what is to be produced and in what quantity how does utilizing a supply contract aid both parties in terms of their roles/responsibilities involving the supply chain? 

  • Managing the Supply Chain

Read the article, “Managing the Supply Chain: If Only I Could See,” and discuss the following:

  • The level of outsourcing found at your current employer, past employer, or company that you are familiar with. Describe the business functions within that organization where most outsourcing takes place.
    • Of the five recommendations given by the author to increase visibility, which are currently being pursued in your company?
    • Our text discusses several types of supply contracts. Choose one contract and explain if, and how, increased visibility would benefit the supplier, the buyer, or both parties.
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Article critique

What is an article critique?

A critique is not (only) a criticism. A critique is a specific style of essay in which you identify, evaluate, and respond to an author’s ideas, both positively and negatively. It is usually applied to academic sources.

  • Identify:
    • What is the article’s background and purpose?
    • What is the main idea (the main argument) that the article is communicating?
  • Evaluate:
    • How convincing is the argument?
    • What does the argument assume?
    • How useful or applicable is the article?
    • How does the article compare with other current theory and research?
  • Respond:
    • What is your assessment of the article?
    • What issues does it raise?
    • What issues does it avoid?

You are expected to engage with the article rather than just summarize it, by considering its content carefully, and from different angles. Your critique must be objective, so support it with evidence rather than instinct or emotion.

As a tertiary student you are expected to read widely and develop analytical skills to assess what you read. When you engage in a critique you are demonstrating to your marker that:

  • You have read extensively
  • You can identify the particular strengths and weaknesses of those readings
  • You can identify different positions and perspectives in the readings
  • You are developing the skills and knowledge to engage with the experts
  • You are joining in a broader academic debate about an article’s merits

Critiquing means that you are developing an understanding of more than a single article: it means that you are developing an understanding of the ‘big picture’, of the discipline as a whole. Later in your study you may be expected to contribute new understandings to the discipline, so it is important to understand the current state of knowledge.

Writing a critique

The process of critiquing an article involves reading it critically, that is, actively responding to the reading. Begin by asking questions about the article. What is, for example, its:

  • Background?
  • Purpose?
  • Use of evidence?
  • Methodology?
  • Balance?

Critical reading

Critical reading is the process of reading that goes beyond just understanding a text.
Critical reading involves:

  • carefully considering and evaluating the reading
  • identifying the reading’s strengths and implications
  • identifying the reading’s weaknesses and flaws
  • looking at the ‘big picture’ and deciding how the reading fits into the greater academic context (the understandings presented in other books and articles on this topic)

In brief, you are actively responding to the reading. Critical reading is useful at all stages of academic study, but is particularly important when writing an article critique or a literature review.

Critical reading often involves asking questions about the reading. In particular, you are examining the strengths and weaknesses of the reading’s argument.

To do this, you need to consider

  • the reading’s background
  • its purpose and overall conclusion (claim)
  • the evidence used in the reading
  • the logical connections between the claim and the evidence
  • the reading’s balance
  • its limitations
  • how it relates to other sources and research
  • if the reading is based on research, how this research was conducted

Each of these affects how ‘strong’ the argument is, that is, how convincing it is.

Note: The questions here can also be used to improve your own writing, especially when you are required to construct an argument.


Before you consider the argument of a reading, you should build up a background picture of the reading.

Who is the author? -While you cannot evaluate an argument based solely on the qualifications of the author, their background can give you an indication of credibility or potential bias.

  • Are they a recognized academic expert or a new researcher?
  • Do they work for a university, the government, an organization, or a commercial interest?

What type of source is this? – As with the author, the type of reading can give you an idea of potential bias and the quality / applicability of the information. Is this an academic source? Is it trying to convince you of something or sell something?

  • Periodical articles: Is this from a scholarly journal, a magazine, or a newspaper?
  • Books: Is this from an academic publisher or a commercial publisher?
  • Websites: Is the publishing organisation clearly identified?
    Check the URL: Is it governmental (URL ending in, academic (URL ending in .ac/, commercial (URL ending in or an organisation (URL ending in .org/

Who is the audience?-The reading may be organised and written differently or have different goals depending on the intended audience.

Is it aimed at

  • academics and researchers?
  • people in the industry?
  • the general public?

When was it written? – Up-to-date information is more useful. Something that was believed to be true in 1982 may have been disproved or improved since then.


Getting the ‘big picture’ of the reading is essential so that you can see how all the pieces fit together.

What is the main claim of the reading? – The main claim (or argument) of the reading is the point that it is trying to prove. The claim of a reading is often a single statement: the thesis statement. This is often found in the abstract, the introduction, and/or the conclusion of the article.

  • Is the main conclusion clear?
  • Does the evidence lead to this conclusion?

What are the implications of the claim? – It is useful to think about the consequences and applications of the argument, as this may uncover particular strengths or further flaws.

  • Are the applications practical or meaningful?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the applications?
  • What are the costs and benefits of the applications?

How is the reading structured? – The structure of the reading will give you an idea of which points are most important, and which points support the conclusion. Look at

  • headings
  • subheadings
  • tables
  • the introduction

It may be useful to draw a map or diagram of the reading’s structure.


It is essential to consider the quality of the evidence in the reading, as this directly relates to the usefulness of the reading.

Is the evidence fact, research, opinion, or personal experience?

  • Objective facts are generally applicable.
  • Information obtained through research is convincing, as long as the methodology is appropriate.
  • Opinions can easily be contradicted by an alternative opinion. They are more likely to be biased.
  • Personal experience may not apply to other cases and so is not easily generalized

Is the evidence accurate? –

  • Does the evidence agree with other sources?
  • Does the evidence agree with your own understanding of the topic?

Is the evidence relevant to the conclusion?

  • Does the evidence connect to the reading’s conclusion?
  • Is it enough to support the argument?
  • Is the evidence convincing?

Is the theory appropriate for this topic?-

Many readings rely on particular theories or models to make their argument.

  • Is the theory the best fit for this topic?
  • Is the theory properly interpreted and explained in the reading?
  • Does the theory explain the entire conclusion or only part of it?
  • Are there parts of the conclusion not explained by the theory?


If the reading is based on any kind of research (e.g. a survey, an experiment, a case study) it is important to consider how the research was conducted, as this can affect the validity of the findings reported.

Is the research qualitative or quantitative?

  • Quantitative research involves measuring (quantifying) and analysing specific numerical or statistical data. It uses mathematical models to interpret data. Studies are designed so that mathematical models can be easily applied to research contexts using experiments and surveys.
  • Qualitative research involves the examination, analysis, and interpretation of observations or accounts of events in order to identify themes, underlying meanings, and patterns. This approach does not use mathematical models, but rather interviews, case studies and analysis of written documents.

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, but the type of research will always affect the findings. Is this type of research appropriate for this topic?

What was the range / sample size of the research?

The wider the range or sample size of research, the more the findings can be generalised.

  • If the research is a survey or questionnaire, how many participants were there?
  • Did the participants come from different cultural / social backgrounds?
  • Were the participants of different ages / occupations / genders / ethnic groups / nationalities?

Is the research falsifiable? – Could other research prove this research wrong? This is not asking whether the research is false, but whether it is possible to test its validity. If it is impossible to prove a claim wrong, it is also impossible to prove a claim right; the claim is instead a matter of faith.

Is the research repeatable? – If someone else conducted similar research using these methods, would they be likely to have a similar result? If it is impossible to repeat research, it is also impossible to test it

Are there better methods?– Were there other methods that may be more effective, more scientific, more reliable, more culturally-sensitive, or more practical? Why weren’t they used?


When reading critically it is important to examine the chain of reasoning used by the author, as any gaps or problems can undermine the validity of the conclusion.

Are key terms defined?

Definitions are an important part of academic study: terminology often varies between topics and between authors.

  • Is each term that has been used properly defined?
  • Are there any terms that could have several different interpretations?

Does the logic flow? – Does every point follow on from the last point? If there is a gap between two ideas, this could be a ‘leap of faith’ that undermines the overall conclusion.

Are there any flaws in the reasoning?– Is the reasoning logically sound? Some arguments are weak because they rely on faulty logic: these are often referred to as logical fallacies.


In order to read critically you have to consider whether the argument is appropriately balanced, looking at the issue or problem from relevant perspectives.

Do you have questions that are not answered in the reading?

  • What details are missing?
  • Are there any claims that seem unusual or extraordinary? You should pay attention to parts of the argument that seem controversial, as there are likely to be other explanations.

Is the reading biased?

It is impossible for a reading to be completely balanced, because a conclusion must ultimately be drawn, but some readings are more biased than others.

  • Is the reading trying to convince you of something? Why?
  • Did the reading push one point of view to the exclusion of others?

What other perspectives are there on this issue? –Readings are often written from one perspective; what other ways can you look at this topic?

Try, for example, a PESTLE analysis, which examines the political, economic, sociological, technological, legal, and environmental perspectives and implications.

Did the reading present a counter-argument?- A reading that offers several perspectives is more balanced, and a strong argument must consider and argue against counter-arguments.

  • Are you aware of any counter-arguments that exist but were not discussed? This is a sign of a weaker argument.


What does the argument assume? – Some readings will identify their assumptions: this is so that if an assumption is later proven false, it is clear whether the argument is still correct or not.

  • Does the reading make assumptions that it does not identify? Hidden assumptions may weaken the argument.

What are the limitations of the theory?- Some theories or principles only apply in certain situations. If a theory is applied outside of those situations, it may weaken the argument.

Other sources

No reading exists in isolation. You must consider how the reading fits into the ‘bigger picture’ of the larger academic context.

How does this reading relate to other readings? – If the reading disagrees with something from other readings, your textbook, or the lecturer, it may be incorrect. It may also be a controversial or debatable argument, or this reading may be discussing the argument from a different perspective.

Are there competing theories with better explanations for the evidence? – When there is more than one way to explain evidence, you must carefully evaluate the plausibility of each explanation.

Is there more up-to-date research that could disagree with the findings, or improve upon them- Knowledge is developed in academia by improving on (or disproving) previous findings, so you should consider whether the reading has the most up-to-date understanding of the topic.

  • What may have changed since the reading was written?
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Assignment 4: Annual Review

Due Week 9 and worth 125 points

Imagine you work at a company and it is time for an employee named Jim’s annual review. While he was a model employee the first nine (9) months of the year, recently Jim has been coming in late. It has not been just a few minutes each day, either. It is starting to cause problems in the production line. In this assignment, write a one (1) page summary of your conversation with Jim. How will you address his recent performance issues while still praising him for his previous nine (9) months of good work? Your goal is to balance the negative and positive feedback so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best.

Write a one (1) page paper in which you:

  1. Explain how you will address Jim’s recent performance issues.
  2. Suggest both constructive and positive feedback designed so that Jim will leave motivated to do his best.
  3. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    1. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Explain effective approaches to the broad spectrum of employee relations, including career development, fostering ethical behavior, discipline, labor relations, and dismissals.
  • Analyze various techniques, considerations, and designs of performance appraisal programs.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in human resource management.
  • Write clearly and concisely about human resource management using proper writing mechanics.

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Balancing Function and Fashion

“Balancing Function and Fashion” Please respond to the following:

  • Error messages are a key part of an overall interface design strategy of guidance for the user. Discuss strategies to ensure integrated, coordinated error messages that are consistent across an application. 
  • Choose the one topic covered in Chapter 11 (error messages, non-anthropomorphic design, display design, window design, and color) that creates the biggest challenge to achieving balance between function and fashion. Support your response.
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Chester & Wayne

Complete: Case 6B (Chester & Wayne) – attached

In this case, you have been provided financial information about the company in order to create a cash budget.  Management is seeking advice or clarification on three main assumptions the company has been operating.  Address Questions 1 and 2 at the end of the case.  Based on the case questions, you are required to provide a two double-spaced written report providing the necessary advice and explanations to management.  The written report should be properly formatted according to APA guidelines and demonstrate research and critical thinking skills. Conclusions and recommendations should be supported by at least 2 scholarly sources or other external sources, excluding the textbook. 

Address Question 1 by using a spreadsheet to prepare the case budget for the fourth quarter. The cash budget should be included as an appendix to the written report and should be referenced in the written report.

Address Question 2 in a fully developed explanation of two to four double spaced pages to present the findings and explain or validate the assumptions stated in item (a) through (c).  In addressing Question 2, be sure to use the cash budget prepared in Question 1 as support for your explanation. The written analysis should be supported by at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook.

Week 4 Written Assignment should:

· Demonstrate graduate level work including appropriate research and critical thinking skills.

· Be presented as a written analysis (not a question/answer format).

· Incorporate case questions into the overall analysis.

· Follow APA formatting guidelines including title page, reference page and in-text citations.

· Consists of two double-spaced pages of content.

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