3 Page Paper Needed ASAP

Hey these are the requirements for my paper. The Subject is “Rape” and
the different types of rape and who it effects.
       English 1020
Criteria for Commentary Essay and Presentation
1. Using the criteria we have established in class for this genre, type your
1000 word minimum (3-4 pages) Commentary, double-spaced, in a 12 point
font in MLA format as shown in the sample research paper on p. 521 in your
textbook. Make sure that your page margins are set at 1 inch all the way
around, that you have a running header and an ID block as illustrated.

3. You may use the first person in this essay, but remember that you
must incorporate at least two scholarly sources for explanation of the
controversial issue and evidence supporting your position. For your detailed
explanation of the issue and the supporting paragraphs, you may want to
refer to a current event from a newspaper, a book, a reference
Encyclopedia, and/or an article from a database like Opposing Viewpoints or
Points of View Reference Center, all of which is available through the TSU
library system. Additionally, you can have one, but no more than one .gov,
or .com, or .org., or .edu.
4. Remember to provide both in-text citations and a Works Cited page entry
for each source that you use

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