Deliverables, english assignment help

Assignment from nickkynickky.

 I have attached the book for completing the assignment.

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Evaluation Criteria

Deliverables are evaluated on thoughtfulness, creativity, and brave thinking. They are each worth

three participation points. One point = done, below average. Two points = done, average. Three

points = done, thoughtful, creative and/or brave thinking.


Deliverables must be handed in on the date they are assigned. They cannot be turned in retroactively

for credit. Feel free to print this sheet and handwrite or type your thoughts. You may also write your

response on a piece of notebook paper. Please make sure your instructor knows who completed this

assignment—put your name on it!


Give two examples from Nick Reding’s work where he builds context for his readers effectively.

You may reference pages 1-107 for examples.

Example 1:





Example 2:





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