Discussion: Psychology: Psyc and Gender: US Tutor or someone proficient in Engli

Part 1

This week, you discussed the 1960s and the 1970s, in which both men and women began to make significant shifts from traditional gender roles.

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Speculations about the differences between men and women probably predate history. The subject of the differences between men and women began to be the focus of research during the 1960s (Brannon, 2011), and this week, you expanded on these views.

In this assignment, you will define and explore what a gender stereotype includes. You will examine beliefs about psychological traits and characteristics of what society views as appropriate activities and behaviors for men and women.

During this discussion, you will evaluate the history of stereotypes about women and men.

Answer the following questions:

  • In your opinion, has feminism in the United States been guilty of exclusion based on race and social class? Why or why not? Provide a rationale for your answer.
  • Have there been any particular cultural groups that had a difficult time identifying themselves as feminists? If yes, why do you think this happened?
  • Using the Internet, conduct research on the National Coalition for Men (NCFM), an organization that opposes sexism. The NCFM questions whether sexism oppresses men more than women. What do you think?
  • How did the male gender role conceptualize masculinity? Identify how and why this was a potential contributor to the problems for both men and women.

Refer to the Webliography under the category Feminist Movements to review some resources for obtaining research information on this topic.

Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your textbook and course readings. Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates as early in the week as possible. You can ask technical questions or respond generally to the overall experience. Be sure to be honest, clear, and concise. Always use constructive language, even in criticism, to work toward the goal of positive progress. Using questions and seeking clarifications are good ways to make your reviews substantive!

Part 2

A gender stereotype consists of beliefs about the psychological traits and characteristics of men and women (Yarber, Sayad, & Strong, 2010). Gender roles are defined by behaviors, but gender stereotypes are beliefs and attitudes about masculinity and femininity (Yarber et al., 2010).

According to Bem (1981), gender roles furnish the material for gender stereotypes. This is because when people associate a pattern of behavior with men or women, they tend to overlook individual variations and draw conclusions about the behavior associated with a particular gender.

Recently, social media has captured public and political debates containing gender disparities that may add to oppression and gender stereotyping.

In the United States, sexism toward women has always been an issue in advertising, especially in the 1950s. Women have traditionally been expected to fulfill gender-specific roles, such as rearing children, cleaning, and cooking. Today’s society has evolved to a place where such discrimination is discouraged and looked down upon. Men too have experienced gender bias, especially those who embraced roles typically associated with women (for example, nursing and stay-at-home dads).

In your exploration of these concepts, your response should include answers to the following:

  • Other than in gender-specific areas (for example, in trade magazines, on television, in movies, in political debates, in video games, on the Internet, and in cartoons), how do images represent genders inaccurately or unfairly? Be sure to define gender, gender roles, and gender stereotypes.
  • How does the media impact people’s views about gender stereotypes—the concept of being male or female?
  • A gender stereotype consists of beliefs about the physiological traits and characteristics as well as the activities appropriate to men or women. Who determines what is appropriate?
  • How does the media influence this perception of appropriateness and gender roles?


Bem, S. L. (1981). Gender schema theory: A cognitive account of sex typing.

Psychological Review88(4), 354–364.

Yarber, W., Sayad, B., & Strong, B. (2010). Looseleaf for human sexuality: Diversity

in contemporary America. New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Make sure to cite references to support factual statements. Please take care to do in cite citations, and keep everything in APA format. When referring to specific articles in the body of your writing use only last names and the year of publication. Not initials. Titles should be left for the full reference section. Be clear and concise, especially when describing technical terms. There is no exact word count for this assignment, however, in being thorough make this at least a 6-8 paragraph discussion not including the reference section.

PLEASE copy and paste the instructions, download the attachments as needed, and message me once you have done so in that I may delete all of this information. This is to protect myself.

I need someone that is expedient and timely. Any late work is a reduction in grade points. I need this by 11 am tomorrow EST. This is a new class, and that is why this was posted kind of last minute. However, it is a simple assignment and this gives you a little over 24 hours to complete it. Thank you.

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