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  1. Read the dialogue. 

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    “Good morning, Mr. Anthony,” the girl smiled. “Oh, good morning, Barbara,” the man answered. “You are up early today,” he observed.

    Which best identifies where a paragraph break should be inserted?

    A paragraph break should come after the word Anthony.

2 points  


  1. Which of the following is not a narrative technique used for adding vivid detail?

    concrete facts

    colorful description

    careful word choice

2 points  


  1. Read the scenario.

    Lucy wants to revise a sentence to create sense of urgency.

    Which revisionuses precise language to achieve the desired effect?

    The girls walked into the tent.

    The girls were going into the tent.

    The girls scurried into the tent.

2 points  


  1. Look at the following transitions:first, last, then, finally.

    Which type of organization would require these types of transitions?

    spatial order

    order of importance

    logical order

2 points  


  1. Which resource is best suited to finding the correct spelling for a word?

    grammar checker

    usage guide


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