How Do We Create An Alignment Of Incentives That Creates The Best Possible Outcomes For The Provider, Supplier And The Patient?

DQ 2: Research a relatively recent (last 6 months) local or national news article pertaining to the Fourth Amendment – post a brief summary of the main points of the article (in your words), and then explain why you chose it and how it ties to the Fourth Amendment — the major points. What can the class learn from this story? You can use a local paper or broadcast news story or a major national paper or national network or cable news story. Remember to provide a citation. 
150 word count DQ 2: Research a relatively recent (last 6 months) local or national news article pertaining to the Fourth Amendment – post a brief summary of the main points of the article (in your words), and then explain why you chose it and how it ties to the Fourth Amendment — the major points. What can the class learn from this story? You can use a local paper or broadcast news story or a major national paper or national network or cable news story. Remember to provide a citation. 
150 word count DQ 2: Research a relatively recent (last 6 months) local or national news article pertaining to the Fourth Amendment – post a brief summary of the main points of the article (in your words), and then explain why you chose it and how it ties to the Fourth Amendment — the major points. What can the class learn from this story? You can use a local paper or broadcast news story or a major national paper or national network or cable news story. Remember to provide a citation. 
150 word count

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