opposing perspective on the subject, English homework help

In your response posts, offer some constructive criticism to your classmates. Read through this webpage containing advice for putting together and receiving meaningful feedback.

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Use the questions below to make sure that you cover the multiple facets of a good peer review. You may include further information as well, but use these questions as a guide. Be sure to point out specific instances and examples of what is done well and what needs improvement.

  1. Does your peer provide adequate background and context for the subject that he or she is evaluating? Does he or she provide a summary or description of the subject? 
  2. Is your peer’s thesis statement – and position on his or her argument – made clear early on in the essay? What is the thesis statement? Does it indicate the topic of the essay, as well as his or her attitude toward the topic? How could it be improved?
  3. Are your peer’s body paragraphs unified, coherent and developed? Do they have strong topic sentences and smooth transitions between paragraphs, and do they provide enough support from the sources he or she has chosen to use? How could your peer improve his or her body paragraphs? 
  4. Is your peer missing any evidence that you can think of? Does your peer address an opposing perspective on the subject, in order to strengthen his or her own position? Could the author compare his subject to another, similar subject? (For example, if the author is writing about an iPhone, should he or she compare it to an Android?) Do you think this would be useful for the author to consider?
  5. Does your peer effectively round out the essay, bringing it to a clear close? If not, how could your peer improve his or her conclusion?

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