RE: Discussion Questions

Question A: Response from Monica Chapter 10

ü  How would humanistic theories explain interpersonal communication versus existential theories? (150 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference to include personal opinion)

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ü  Which theory do you prefer? Humanistic or Existential?  Why? (150 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference to include personal opinion)

Question B: Chapter 11 Response from Monica (150 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference to include personal opinion)

What factors affect an individual’s ability to realize actualizing tendencies? 

Question C:  Maslow’s Theory:  Response to Amanda (150 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference)

I feel that as we satisfy all of these needs we are truly on our way to self-actualization when you think about it. Do you think that if thee needs are met in a different order, we would still be able to reach self-actualization? I honestly think that we would not be able to reach it. I say this because you need to think about the order that these are in. We have basic needs that are on the bottom. Those are like that of a building block system, without those we are not going to have anything to build off of. We are not going to be able to move up the ladder. There are just so many points of this that make sense. When we do not have those basic needs that are on the bottom met, we tend to stress out and freak out. we are then throwing all the other levels off as well.

Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts, T. (2013). Theories of personality (8th ed). New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston.

Question D: Response from Monica for initial question you didn’t give your opinion? She wanted clarification.

In the video “The surprising science of happiness” Nancy Etcoff discusses happiness and how it is obtained. Etcoff discusses the cognitive processes involved in being happy. Etcoff discusses how happiness is fleeting and difficult to remember. She explains people are happier when they are “in flow” (Etcoff, 2012). This means when a person is absorbed in the things that make them happy they are in the flow of life. When we are happy in the moment it is more difficult to absorb or understand happiness is occurring. Etcoff provides a description of the basic terms involved in the neuroscience of happiness. Any important part of this process involves dopamine which is a neurotransmitter in the brain that sends signals of happiness. Etcoff also discusses the role played by the hormone oxytocin. Rising levels of Oxytocin increase the levels of pleasure in the mind which increases the person’s levels of happiness (Etcoff, 2012). In the video Etcoff discusses how real world circumstances such as stress as well as depression and anxiety impact happiness.


Etcoff, N. (2012). On the Surprising Science of Happiness. Retrieved July 9, 2015 from

Hi Bonita-

What do you think about the science of happiness?  pros? cons?

Question E: Response to Melnar (150 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference)

Maslow expanded the field of humanistic psychology to include an explanation of how human needs change through an individual’s lifespan. His theories focused on individuals and whole people rather that sets of symptoms.  His levels of human needs were physiological, safety, love, belonging, esteem, and self actualization. He believed that the perception of self actualization meant a person had developed a fully formed and healthy personality. So basically, once and person understands their full potential in life, they have formed and healthy personality? I slightly would disagree because there Andre many people who are of older age and still don’t know what their purpose in life is. A lot of us are confused of what our full potential is, that doesn’t mean we don’t have healthy personalities.

Question F: Response to Breanna Chapter 9 (150 word minimum with 1 peer reviewed reference)

“Maslow’s hierarchy of needs concept assumes that lower level needs must be satisfied or at least relatively satisfied before higher level needs become motivators” (Feist, Feist & Roberts, 2013, p. 256). I have to agree with Maslow because he states that we can still move on to fulfilling one need even though the other need is not fully satisfied. It all depends on the motivational factor. For example, hunger, which is one of the most basic needs. Someone who is less fortunate will make eating and satisfying that need more of a priority than someone who has more access to food. The more fortunate individual can quickly move on to satisfying the next need. Next, when an individual has partially or fully satisfied their physiological needs, they can then move on to fulfilling their safety needs, and so on. This is one of the theories that make a lot of sense to me because it applies to all humans.

Feist, J., Feist, G. J., & Roberts, T. (2013). Theories of Personality (8th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

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