RE: Discussion Questions


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A. Discussion Question (Icons – Answer at least 150 words and peer reviewed reference) Chapter 5

I thought that I would jump right in on this “prompt” and support the initiation of a discussion on this topic.  In our text (Galotti 2014) writes that “The icon is a sensory memory storage system for visual material, holding information for up to about 1 second” (p. 102).

Okay, now that the definition is provided – how does this come into play in our daily lives? 

Conduct a little experiment.  Stop what you are doing at some point during the day – and slowly turn in a circle.  After making a full revolution sit down some place safe and close your eyes.

After doing this share what occurred – and tie our reading material into how this sensory process involved memory!


Galotti, K. M. (2014). Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

B. Discussion question:   As discussed in the readings assignment for this week, sensory memory is a general term used to refer to sensory buffers that can retain a large amount of memory, but only for a short period of time. One type of sensory memory is iconic memory. Can you think of a time when you used iconic memory? If so, how did you use it? (Sensory Memory Discussion 150 words and peer reviewed reference)

C. Discussion question: Forgetting can occur as the result of many different types of actions—for example, you may not have the correct cue for retrieval—but there are some individuals that would argue that forgetting is an intentional act and that, in order to forget something, one must make a conscious effort to do so. Do you support this reasoning? Why or why not? (Forgetting Discussion- 150 words)

D. Discussion Question:  (150 words and 1 peer reviewed reference to support answer)

Hello Everyone:

I would like to bring up an important idea regarding the role that emotions play in memory encoding.

I respectfully disagree with implicit understanding regarding the role our main text author (Galotti 2014) places on emotions and memory. Specifically the lack of linking emotions to memories themselves.

Life had taught me, and clinically, thousands of hours of sitting with folks have taught me, that emotions have a rather large effect on memory encoding.

Personality type (for the curious navigate to also plays a critical role.  Take five minutes and share what your type is with us!  You may find that it has a direct impact on how each of us processes emotional content!

For example – If I fall in love, don’t I ‘obsess’ over the object that I have fallen in love with?

As a result, won’t I ‘think’ about that thing over and over and…you get the point.

There is a whole lot of thinking (cognition) going on over certain things – perhaps due to it being emotionally charged – than over other things.

Any thoughts? – This is a psycho-active section (will stir things up) and I look forward to your responses.


Galotti, K. M. (2014). Cognitive Psychology In and Out of the Laboratory (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

E. Discussion: (150 words and 1 peer review reference)

Emotions and Memory

Reflect and discuss our text and ERR reading material regarding the role that emotion plays regarding memory. 

Do you agree with the material regarding emotional memories?

For example – can you remember what you were doing when catastrophes occurred (for example, the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, the Challenger disaster, assassination of John F. Kennedy, or even local disasters)?

Using our main text, and/or ERR readings what does our course material have to say about this specific type of memory?


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