Sex & Gender Essay

Instructions: After critically reading the chapters on sexism, heterosexism, and trans* oppression, all students will write a three-page reflection paper. Students will focus their reflections on the following Parts below and organize their papers using the following headings: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. The questions in each Part should guide your reflections and content for this Assignment.

Part 1: “Content” Section

  • What roles have institutions—such as the medical system, the police, the courts, religion, and the media—played in the construction of gender and sexuality?
  • How have other forms of oppression (e.g., racism, classism, religious oppression, youth oppression) intersected with sexism, heterosexism, and trans* oppression?
  • Pick two of the articles in this chapter that are written by someone who describes different life experience than yours.  Consider the perspective(s) of the author.  How does their point of view and experiences shape your perspectives and help you develop empathy?

Part 2: “Voices” Section

  • What impression did the various readings in this section have on you? What did they teach you about the ways systems of oppression impact individuals and society as a whole? What could you relate to?  What did you learn that was new for you?  What questions does it bring up for you?

Part 3: “Next Step” Section

  • Are you aware of resources, supports, programs, or groups for women, LGBQ people, and/or trans* people on your campus/community/state?  Consider the social environment, overall level of awareness, restroom options, sexual harassment policies, shelters in town, housing policies, identity documents, sports teams, support and ally groups.  How could the environment where you live and work improve to be more inclusive of women, LGBQ people, and trans* people?

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