Teaching Methods—Literacy and Elementary Reading

Select the title or topic of the video to be viewed from the list of weblinks provided at the bottom of this task.

2.  Scroll down the left side bar to find the Topic of the video specified below. Click to open the folders and locate the tab labeled video. You may need to open various folders to identify the correct video folder located on the left side bar.

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3.  Click the triangle to begin the video.

Note: Do not respond to any prompts or questions included in the video clips.

The course “Using SDAIE for English Language Learners” will present individual strategies and show you how to apply these strategies. As you go through this course, you will examine the importance of practice and reflection in the process of becoming a teacher of ELL students. The videos in this course that you will be watching are located in three folders:  

View Video Introduction

Modeling and Coaching SDAIE
View Model Lesson 1
View Coaching Session
View Model Lesson 2
View Coaching Session 2

Implementing SDAIE
View Teacher Lesson 1
View Teacher Lesson 2

The course “English Language Learners: Reading and Writing” demonstrates how teachers can develop the reading and writing skills of their ELLs and examines effective practices such as the development of vocabulary through the study of root words and writing instruction. The videos in this course that you will be watching are located in one folder:

Teaching Examples (Video)
1.  Teaching Phonics in a Variety of Genres
2.  Developing Meaningful Reading
3.  Developing Academic Vocabulary
4.  Writing About a Complex Topic
5.  Scaffolding a Writing Exercise

The WGU lesson plans that you develop need to consider accommodations for ELL students. Additionally, the corresponding objective assessment will include items that require analysis of strategies for teaching ELL students. This task provides an important skill development in identifying and analyzing second language acquisition processes as they relate to appropriate instructional strategies.


Note: After completing part A of the task, be sure to complete the “Guided Reflected Protocol Form” as directed in part B.

A.  As you complete the courses “Using SDAIE for English Language Learners” and “English Language Learners: Reading and Writing,” you will fill out one “Observation Protocol Form” for each course:

1.  Use a copy of the attached “Observation Protocol Form” to record your observations from the videos in the course “Using SDAIE for English Language Learners.”

•  Describe the context of the observed classroom (demographics, instruction, learning activity).

•  Identify stages of second language acquisition you see evidenced in the classroom.

•  Identify instructional strategies the teacher uses to accommodate ELL students.

•  Identify strategies employed to identify levels of second language acquisition.

•  Identify instructional strategies used to accommodate ELL students.

•  Note how each strategy is implemented.

•  Discuss how the strategies help students develop the ability to manage their own learning in each of these areas.

2.  Use a separate copy of the attached “Observation Protocol Form” to record your observations from the videos in the course “English Language Learners: Reading and Writing.” (You will submit two separate, completed copies of this form for this task, one for each of the Teachscape courses.)

•  Describe the context of the observed classroom (demographics, instruction, learning activity).

•  Identify stages of second language acquisition you see evidenced in the classroom.

•  Identify instructional strategies the teacher uses to accommodate ELL students.

•  Identify strategies employed to identify levels of second language acquisition.

•  Identify instructional strategies used to accommodate ELL students.

•  Note how each strategy is implemented.

•  Discuss how the strategies help students develop the ability to manage their own learning in each of these areas.

B.  After you have completed the Teachscape courses and your observations, write responses to the prompts (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs per prompt) using the Guided Reflection Protocol Form. To access the form, follow these instructions:

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