Post An Organized Plan For How You Intend To Employ The Creativity Of Your Staff To Create A New And Innovative Customer Loyalty Program

(Note: Your plan should not describe a customer loyalty program such as an extended warranty or a maintenance plan. You do not need to develop the plan for the loyalty program.) The idea is to develop a team with a diversity of creative thinking styles from your staff (ideators, clarifiers, developers, and implementers). Be sure to include:

  • How you would bring a team together and lead them to start such an initiative.
  • The tools that you have used in this course (design thinking, creative-thinking styles, etc.) to get your team to leave its comfort zone and begin to generate potential ideas. Explain how the thinking style diversity or lack thereof of your team could potentially help or impede the plan.
  • The techniques you and the team could use to filter/evaluate potential ideas (divergent/convergent thinking) to create a viable customer loyalty program strategy.

This is not a paper format only discussion post . It should be in APA format

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