10 help me 6th grade work yo help


  1. Which visual aid is best for showingcomparative data?

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    video clip

2 points  


  1. Review the Wind Chill Chart.

    Temperature (°F)
    10 15 20 25 30 35 40
    Wind (mph) 10 -4 3 9 15 21 27 34
    15 -7 0 6 13 19 25 32
    20 -9 -2 4 11 17 24 30
    25 -11 -4 3 9 16 23 29
    30 -12 -5 1 8 15 22 28
    35 -14 -7 0 7 14 21 28
    40 -15 -8 -1 6 13 20 27

    Which identifies the wind chill for these conditions: The outside temperature is 15 degrees Fahrenheit, and the wind speed is 25 miles per hour.

    -8 degrees Fahrenheit

    25 degrees Fahrenheit

    -4 degrees Fahrenheit

2 points  


  1. What is the purpose for including a graph in an informational text?

    To provide data in paragraph form

    To use text and images to explain technical processes

    To provide the reader with a quick and visual way to analyze data

2 points  


  1. Which is not a question that could be answered by “Winter Storms: The Deceptive Killers”?

    What are the effects of prolonged exposure to extreme cold?

    What are typical winter weather conditions for different regions of the U.S.?

    What colleges offer the best programs for studying weather patterns?

2 points  


  1. What would be the best use of a pie graph?

    Showing the height of one student over time

    Showing the most-liked ice cream flavors of students in one class

    Showing the temperature of one city over one year

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