The need for thinking and problem-solving skills dominates our lives. Individuals must analyze problems in the workplace, at school, as a parent, and in many other daily situations. You have an opportunity to practice your problem-solving skills through this assignment.

Assignment:  Select one problem from the following list or define your own problem. 

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  1. Design a new textbook for a psychology class, science class, etc.
  2. Invent a new telephone.
  3. Design a new suitcase.
  4. Design new clothes for soldier/teacher/cook/student/etc.
  5. Invent a new style for a video game.
  6. Create a short story.
  7. Design a new computer.
  8. Invent a new way to protect computers from viruses.
  9. Create a new type of credit card.
  10. Work on solving a problem of your own choosing – a problem that is related to your major field of study.


  • Remember that you don’t need to create anything physically. You may use images or just descriptions of your ideas.
  • What is important for this assignment is your ability to generate ideas.
  • Number your ideas 1 through 21.
  • Generate 21 ideas about solving it, using the 21 Synectics steps listed below:
  • Response should be 500-600 words

Invention Labs & Workshops |  Synecticsworld. (n.d.).  Synecticsworld. Retrieved May 23, 2012, from http://synecticsworld.com/invention-labs-workshops/

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