3 pages needed ***YOU MUST use the attached article***

3 pages needed ***YOU MUST use the attached article***What is the biological basis of PTSD? What occurs in the brain and nervous system that apparently gives rise to PTSD symptoms?How is PTSD diagnosed, according to the DSM–5? Does this relate to the biological basis that you just described?Describe the treatment options that are available for PTSD. Do they seem to address the biological basis of the disorder, as you have described them?Summarize the article attached “Interpersonal violence in posttraumatic women: brain networks triggered by trauma-related pictures” about the biological basis of PTSD in enough detail that your reader will understand what was done in the study and what the results of the study were.Based on the article describe a test you could develop to help determine whether a particular individual might be more susceptible to developing PTSD if they were to experience an extremely stressful situation.****References must come from the article attached “Interpersonal violence in posttraumatic women: brain networks triggered by trauma-related pictures” and 2 other references of your choice

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