Assessing Our Readiness to Counsel Sexual Minorities

Assessing Our Readiness to Counsel Sexual Minorities

Read Chen-Hayes’ 2001 article, ”
Social Justice Advocacy Readiness Questionnaire,” from 
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services, Volume 13, Issue 1/2, pages 191–203.

Before you start on this discussion, complete Part 1 (items 1–10) of The Social Justice Advocacy Readiness Questionnaire in the Chen-Hayes article. Use your responses to the questionnaire and the readings of this unit to prepare a post that reflects on your own readiness to counsel sexual minorities. Specifically address your spiritual or religious beliefs and how those may present challenges or opportunities in working with clients who are sexual minorities. How will you address any challenges your beliefs may present to your preparedness to respond ethically and competently to the needs of sexual minority clients? Under what circumstances might you seek supervision to support your clinical competence in working with a sexual minority client?

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I am Baptist and this is what I have thus far: 

The framework required for engaging in counseling harbors considerable personal ambiguity of judgment. It is imperative to maintain an unbiased approach to working with clients. People need to feel that their counselor is trustworthy and coveting anonymity along with not judging their behaviors or beliefs. This is essential for the information that is shared in a session. Furthermore, sexual minorities need considerable reassurance that their secrets are held in the strictest confidence and that someone is not judging them that is counseling them since there is a large stigma on sexual differences. (You could continue with a little more background regarding sexual minorities and why there is a stigma) Preparing to counsel sexual minorities is not easy feat and can prove more difficult depending upon personal experiences and beliefs. My originating belief system harbors measures that are not supportive of sexual minorities. The recognition of these discriminatory features allows me to combat the potential notions that could emerge while in session. You could extend this section here and put some details of your beliefs in a general sense) The essential factors to include in order minimizing challenges in the future is to develop an altered persona while in the field. This means to create a focused approach to counseling that allows me to eliminate the application of my belief system while with a client. However, my belief system does encourage this type of acceptance, which allows for me to be supportive and not judgmental without agreeing with the lifestyle choice. I must provide services that would benefit the client and not include what would be best for me or what kind of life I want the client to pursue. (Enhance this section with an example or two) Ensuring that I provide this type of counseling allows the maintenance of ethical standards. My response to the potential issues that could arise is to remember that I am human and have the chance to make a mistake, but also know that I must admit those mistakes and make the amends to make sure that I have not harmed my client on any level. When a mistake may occur, seeking supervisory support would deem appropriate. This would allow for minimal damage to commence.

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