Assignment: Week 4 Blog

Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog.By Day 3Post a blog post that includes:An explanation of the role of supervision in your field education experienceA description of your field instructor’s leadership style and an explanation of whether the leadership style will promote your agency learning agreement during your field education experienceRequired ReadingsBirkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.Chapter 4, “Making the Most of Your Practicum Supervision” (pp. 79-95)Bogo, M., Regehr, C., Power, R., & Regehr, G. (2007). When values collide: Field instructors’ experiences of providing feedback and evaluating competence. The Clinical Supervisor, 26, 99–117.McTighe, J. P. (2011). Teaching the use of self through the process of clinical supervision. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39(3), 301–307.Required MediaLaureate Education. (Producer). (2013h). Safety planning [Audio file]. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.eduNote:  This audio introduction is located in the “Introduction and Objectives” section. The approximate length of this media piece is 1 minute.

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