Becoming a responsible Practioner( 70 word reply to each student response)

Think about your own attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, and skills surrounding this situation. First, discuss why it is important to be aware of your own attitudes and beliefs when working with a client like Andre?

How would using your cultural competence skills assist you in being effective in your work with Andre?

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How will following the professional standards for the NOHS help you to work with clients in a way that is ethically and legally appropriate?


I believe I need to be aware of my own attitude and not be judgmental on Andres past with drugs and being in a gang. I believe everyone is equal no matter what their past or race is. I believe everyone is their own person and everyone is different, so I would never judge someone on the sexual preference. I would want to help Andre in any way I could.

   I would want to get to know Andres culture background. We need to acquire knowledge about the cultures and customs of the clients with whom we work (Murphy & Dillion, 2010).  I believe that you will need the knowledge of his family background and his family structure. It sounds like Andre has had a pretty hard life so far and now he is struggling with his identity.

   I agree with all the statements on the NOHS. I think human service workers need to be aware of any laws changing with ethical guidelines and clients rights. Human service workers need to keep up with social issues in the community, there may be a time where your client is involved with the social issue.


We as workers cannot be without values, beliefs, and opinions about how things should or should not be, what is acceptable and unacceptable, and what we believe to be right and wrong. Before stepping into an office with a client, however, we must change our personal identity to that of the worker. Our text points out that we are many different people and take on applicable identities as needed throughout our day and even our life. Every professional organization responsible for this kind of work has regulations and guidelines. Their guidelines are detailed and unmistakable, leaving no doubt as to how a client is to be treated. By being aware of who we are, we can adjust and observe those guidelines if necessary. By focusing on the client, having knowledge of his culture and customs, and by remaining open minded, we would be able to identify his needs clearly and then, working with Andre, create a plan of action, or non-action depending on if he chose to continue meeting or not, that could help him through this difficult time in his life (Murphy, 2010).

I am assuming that as a worker in the area where Andre lives, I am knowledgeable and experienced with the local systems and have links in the community. Having knowledge of Andre’s culture, customs, and beliefs would give me a basis for understanding what he is going through and the type of support and intervention that would benefit him the most. Of course even though there are generalities with all cultures, Andre will be unique and have his own set of problems, circumstances, and difficulties that he is attempting to deal with. Acknowledging and crediting what he has already accomplished would be a great way to begin. That took a great deal of strength. Tailoring a plan that meets his specific problems, concerns, and needs could be more beneficial and appropriate if I were culturally competent. We need to have a educated and informed knowledge of the people and areas where we work (Murphy, 2010).

NOHS has a code of ethics that meets or exceeds those of some states and federal laws. While ethics deals with moral judgments and perceptions of what is right or wrong, the standards NOHS has adopted explain the acceptable and forbidden behaviors of those in the professional field of human service workers. When following these principals and standards, it is unlikely that a worker will violate any ethical codes or make a mistake that is against the law. When confronted with an ethical dilemma, relying upon these principals and standards may offer a solution, however, if not, seek advice from a supervisor. When dealing with clients, the standards are very explicit in their wording (Murphy, 2010).

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