career development assessment tests or inventories

See rubric in the syllabusStudents will choose one of the following career development assessment tests or inventories as a topic for the research paper: (1) Myers-Briggs Type Inventory, (2) Strong Interest Inventory, or (3) the Self Directed Search, (4) Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire or (5) Kuder Career Search.  The paper will explore the purpose (s) of the instrument, its target population (s), appropriate and inappropriate use of the instrument, requirements for instrument delivery to a client, scoring technique, test bias if any, strengths and weaknesses of the instrument and other relevant issues a counselor needs to know in order to intelligently utilize the instrument. This paper should be 4-5 pages in length, with a cover sheet listing the selected instrument formal name, and publishing company. Note in the rubric, a minimum of three academic references (no informal websites). In addition, the cover page should include the submission of paper date, student name, class information, and instructor name.  Use APA format, following the APA 7th edition format for the title page, page numbering, use of heading, margins, non-sexist language, citations, references, and so on. As always, the use of correct grammar is required.RUBRIC ATTACHMENT BELOW …

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