Code of Ethics

I’m interest in Number 3, American Sociological Association 

Review a “Code of Ethics” document related to your area of study or vocation. Some examples are listed below. Consider a specific moral issue in your area of study or vocation and complete an essay according to the following directions.

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“Code of Ethics” Examples:

  1. American Psychological Association:
  2. Association for Applied Sport Psychology:
  3. American Sociological Association:
  4. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences:
  5. American Association of Christian Counselors:
  6. Ministerial Code of Ethics:

In 750-1,000 words, address the following:

  1. Describe an ethical issue in your own area of study and provide a moral response.
  2. Analyze how at least two moral theories might respond to the issue.
  3. Explain how principles contained in a “Code of Ethics” for your discipline relate to the issue.
  4. Utilize one of the models for making moral decisions discussed in Topic 6 to evaluate the issue.
  5. Describe and support your rationale to the issue.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines. An abstract is not required.

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