
Week 5

Almost all companies, no matter their size, use electronic methods of communications to develop their projects.   There’s no better way to test group communication, than by doing it.  

During this project, you should consider the different channels of communication open to you.  Email is the most obvious, but applications (“apps”) like SLACK are even more effective in dividing up several projects into different channels.  Each conversation is separate.  The app can be used on computers, tablets, and smartphones, and Slack provides notification when a one of your team leaves a communication.

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Doodle is a free to use app that helps schedule meetings.
Zoom is another free-to-use meeting app for hosting online meetings with your team. 
Using one, or a combination of these apps, aids you in getting your group to collaborate on projects.

The way your team communicates is usually up to the group leader.  Choose your leader today.  The leader communicates with your professor with any questions.

Start by reading and following these instructions:

  1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus.
  2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully.
  3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it.
  4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling.
Agreement Sheet for Group Project Roles
In this section, each team member should identify which role they will take to help the team complete this assigned task successfully and collaboratively. You will receive a group grade for this project. The group grade on this assignment will make up 80% of your individual grade for this project.
Team Member’s Name Role Expectations of Role



Team Learning Project: Stage 1

For the TLP project, your group will conduct a persuasive speech on the topic of your choice.

Project Overview:

The purpose of the Team Learning Project is to construct a persuasive speech aimed at changing the beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors of your fellow students. Your group must construct a well-organized speech according to one of the speech patterns discussed in the text. You should select a real-life, significant problem (at the university, local, state, or national level) that has a personal impact on members of the audience. Speech topic can be structured around a question of fact, a question of value, or a question of policy as long as the choice can be justified.

Your persuasive speech should be approximately 8-10 minutes in length, integrate at least one visual aid, cite a minimum of three sources verbally, and use an extemporaneous speaking style. In addition, you must submit a reference page, a full sentence outline with a clear thesis statement and a statement highlighting what action you want your audience to take.

You will complete the Team Learning Project in two stages:

  • Step #1: Identify Topic, Locate Research, and Write the Speech Outline (Week 5)
    • You should select a real-life, significant problem (at the university, local, state, or national level) that has a personal impact on members of the audience. Speech topic can be structured around a question of fact, a question of value, or a question of policy as long as the choice can be justified.
    • Using a combination of popular media reports and empirical references, locate research to support your position; you must locate a minimum of 3 references.
    • The link to the online library can be accessed in the navigation bar (above).  
    • After clicking the link, save it as a favorite – you’ll use it throughout your college career. To save it: hold the Control key and then press D on PCs; Command+D keys on Macs.
    • Select a team leader and pledge to be responsive to your teammates
    • Create a full sentence outline with a clear thesis statement and a statement highlighting what action you want your audience to take. The outline should include all key points in support of your position and should be organized in a logical manner.
  • Step #2: Persuasive Speech Creation (Week 6)
    • In Step #2, your team will create a persuasive speech video. For the speech, you should select one member of the team to conduct the speech for the group (preferably a volunteer).
    • Other members are responsible to helping prepare the speech and providing feedback on speech drafts.
    • The team member who volunteered to record the speech will send a hyperlink to the other team members. 
    • Each student in the group must send the final hyperlink of the speech to your professor.

 This week, you will only focus on Step #1: Identify Topic, Locate Research, and Write the Speech Outline.

  • Select a real-life, significant problem (at the university, local, state, or national level) that has a personal impact on members of the audience. The speech topic can be structured around a question of fact, a question of value, or a question of policy as long as the choice can be justified.
  • Using a combination of popular media reports and empirical references, locate research to support your position; you must locate a minimum of 3 references. 
  • Write the speech in an outline form.

PART II: Write a 500-word essay on what you anticipate will be the most difficult aspects of working in an online group. What will you do to overcome these obstacles? Why is this an important skill in today’s world? (NOTE: If you are alone in this course, research the obstacles you may face and how to overcome them.)

Assignment Expectations: Each teammate submits the same document.

  • Length:
    • PART I Persuasive Speech Outline: 2-3 pages (include topic, outline, thesis statement and 3 references) 
    • Part II Essay: 500 words
  • References:
    • minimum of 3 resources; references should include a combination of popular media reports and empirical research
    • all references should be formatted in APA style
  • Format:
    • save your assignment as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), Open Office (.odt), PDF, image (.jpg, .png) or rich text format (.rtf) file type
  • Submission:
    • submit your assignments to the Drop Box
  • Team Learning Project Requirements:
    • Submit your “group project roles” by the end of the week
    • Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append.
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