compare female inventor of Industrial Era w/ female inventor of modern, history homework help

In an essay of at least 450 words, research and compare a female inventor of the Industrial Era with a female inventor from our modern times.

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Please write your essay in MLA format, and follow the standard five paragraph model. Your essay should have an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. If you need help with how to write an essay in MLA format or the five-paragraph model, please refer to the following links:

You must use at least 2 credible sources other than your textbook and provide a Works Cited page with your sources. Failure to include a Works Cited page will result in a rejected assignment.

Remember to write in your own words and in complete sentences.

Additional Resources

For conducting research and using primary and secondary sources, click on these links:

Writing and Conducting Research Resources

Writing and Formatting Papers

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