Complete and submit Outlines For Actions F – Handling fears

Complete and submit Outlines For Actions F – Handling fears –  if not completed last week.  PLUS COMMUNICATION ITEMS BELOW:

Ch7 Outlines for Actions-1.pdfPreview the document

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Ch8 communication.pdf[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document”>

Wk 8 to do pdf.docx[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document”>

Wk 8 to do pdf.pdf[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document”>

Doing the  items for Ch 8 is going to be different.  You’ll have to do the practice and journal (*write) what you did and how it seemed.  Keep the items according to their individual numbers.  …

please do a brief summary of the interactions and how they went… that will reflect the exercises and their result. 
Since communication is the focus of this week focus on that for the research item this week…

Here are the assignments for this week.  Ch 8 is all about communications…  certainly how we interact with others is the root of all relationships..  how we feel about others, interact with them, and respond are all based in our communications patterns.  Those we enjoy interacting with we continue in a relationship.  the quality of the relationships is based on the quality of the interactions along with the expectations that go along with the other people.  We interact with folks at the store and don’t expect a lot except basic politeness.. we are OK with them.  If our family, friends, and those in a serious relationship treat us the same way we have a serious problem with them…  then naturally our non verbal messages convey more than our verbal messages.  If I say “I love you” in a harsh tone it says something totally different than when we say it softly with kindness. 

the basics is what we have to teach to children… 

  • speak for yourself only
  • clear statements
  • end requests with question marks
  • allow others to say yes or no or let me think of it
  • listen to understand what the other is saying
  • check in to make sure you understood correctly
  • demonstrate basic caring

If that is what we do then things are good.. and easier to work with. the problem is we all have reactions to what others are doing and sometimes the reactions overpower the rational, objective messages that should go back and forth. 

Ch9 answers.pdf[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document” >View in a new window

do the check lists found near the end of this reading

communication wheel reflective listening explanation.docxPreview the documentView in a new window

communication wheel reflective listening explanation.pdfPreview the document

Couples urged to hone their talking skills.docx[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document” >View in a new window

Couples urged to hone their talking skills.pdfPreview the document

do the QA or write a comment

Tips for Becoming A Better Listener.docx[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document” >View in a new window

Tips for Becoming A Better Listener.pdfPreview the document

effective communication.docx[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document” >View in a new window

effective communication.pdfPreview the document

The 5 Secrets of Effective Communication.docx[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document” >View in a new window

The 5 Secrets of Effective Communication.pdf[img src=”” alt=”Preview the document”>

upload here as a word document

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