
Critical ThinkingAfter reading the required resources for this week and participating in the discussion, how do you define critical thinking? You will want to carry this definition with you, so keep it brief – perhaps 4 to 6 lines. You will find many definitions online – don’t be tempted to just quickly copy one; try to form your own so that it is meaningful to you.Heart of the MatterConsidering just what you read in Chapter 2.3 “Looking Ahead” why do you think the authors see Chapters 12, 13, and 14 as the “heart of the matter”?What do you think they mean by that?What two concepts do the authors say these chapters emphasize?How do you define these concepts?Why do you think the authors find these concepts important to critical thinking?Challenges & InsightsWhat do you see as your greatest challenge for this session in general? For this class in particular?How do you think you can use the concepts in these first three chapters to help you meet these challenges as well as challenges in your personal life as a member of your family and your community?

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