draft negative message letter, English homework help

business writing course

11.20 is located in the photo attachment below

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These are directions- Complete the Negative Message Letter Draft

This assignment has four important steps.

1. Complete the prewriting for the negative message letter:

  • Prewriting prepares you to write and helps you organize your ideas.
  • You may print the lesson and jot notes for yourself on the paper, or you may write notes on your own.
  • You do not have to submit prewriting for any points, but don’t skip this important step!

2. Complete a draft of the negative message letter:

  • Read the case, Exercise 11.20. Write a modified block letter. Refer to Figure 9.3 and 9.4 in Module 9 for more information. You will have three paragraphs:
    • Paragraph 1: explain the problem or situation. Make this paragrph 5-7 lines in length.
    • Paragraph 2: give the bad news and present alternatives. Make this paragraph 5-7 lines in length.
    • Paragraph 3: give a sincere goodwill ending. This paragraphy only needs to be 2

Criteria on grading is located below

The correct use of these criteria will determine your grade on your final letter:

  • The letter is organized correctly:
  1. The first paragraph provides explanation, and does NOT give the bad news. This paragraph is 5-7 lines in length.
  2. The second paragraph gives the bad news clearly and compactly in the most positive way possible. The paragraph offers detailed alternatives. This paragraph is 5-7 lines in length.
  3. The third paragraph offers a goodwill ending that makes a sincere, positive, and forward statement. This paragraph is 2-3 lines in length.
  • The letter does not use “I, me, my, myself, we,” or “the company name ______.”
  • Explanation is kept impersonal without placing blame.
  • “You” is not used when referring the negative situations and/or to blame the reader or to blame others.
  • The letter uses positive words and de-emphasizes the negative information. Avoids the use of negative words such as “no” and “limited,” plus most “un-words, in-words,” and so forth (refer to chapter 7 for a list).
  • The letter does not refer to the reader’s or the writer’s feelings at all.
  • The writing includes specific and accurate word choice and details and does NOT use the following words: thing, good, really, very, extremely, wonderful, outstanding, or any synonym of the above (refer to the online lesson in week 2 on using precise words).
  • The letter contains specific and precise alternatives. When writing alternatives, the sentences use active versus passive voice. (refer to the online lesson in week 2 on action verbs).
  • The writing uses familiar words.
  • The writing uses no slang, cliches, trite or over-used expressions, and no biased or sexist language. (Be sure the salutation goes to Ms. if the letter is addressed to a woman).
  • The writing is free of typographical errors.
  • Words are spelled and used correctly.
  • Commas, quotation marks, and other punctuation marks are used correctly.
  • The writing contains correct grammar without sentence fragments, comma splices, and run-on sentences.
  • The letter is formatted correctly:
    1. Full block format is used.
    2. 12 point Calibri or Times New Roman font is used.
    3. Spacing is correct.
    4. The letter includes a company letterhead, date, inside address to an individual at a company, a salutation followed by colon, three paragraphs, and a close.
    5. All components except for the letterhead are lined up on the left margin
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