English week two assignment one

Write the cause and the effect contained in each item below1. A thunderstorm was approaching, so we move our panic into the vanCause——————————————————————————Effect———————————————————————————Seeing my father suffer because he could not read motivated me to excel in SchoolCause——————————————————————————————-Effect———————————————————–3 One study showed that laughter extended the lives of cancer patientsCause—————————————————————–Effect————————————————————————-4 Americans are having fewer children and doing so later in life. Some experts believe this is whyThey are spending more money every year on their petsCause————————————————————————-Effect———————————————————————————-5. Many doctors urged that trampolines be banned of an “epidemic” of injuries to childrenPlaying on themCause ————————————————————————————Effect————————————————————————————–6. I bought this glow-in-the-dark fish lamp for one reason only: it was saleCause———————————————————————————————Effect——————————————————————————————–7. As more people spend time surfing the internet, television viewing is declining for the firstTime in fifty years.Cause———————————————————Effect—————————————————————8 For years, Charboro cigarettes outsold all competitors as a result of added ammonia. ThisThis ammonia gave smokers’ brains an extra “kick”cause——————————————————————-first effect———————————————————————————-second effect——————————————————————————-

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