Ethics Questions answers

Question 1

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1.  What, according to Kant, gives an action its moral worth?


the consequences that follow from it


the situation in which it is performed


the moral worth of the agent who performs it


the principle of will that motivates it

Bottom of Form

Question 2

1.  Which of the following is a Kantian explanation of why lying is wrong?


It involves treating another person merely as a means to an end.


It runs counter to our natural feelings of sympathy for other human beings.


It might produce some short-term advantage for the liar, but in the long run it will not promote his or her happiness.


It violates a divine commandment.

Question 3

1.  Which of the following imperatives is categorical?


Work hard if you want to succeed in life.


Act according to maxims that promote the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.


Always treat humanity as an end and never merely as a means.


All of these are correct.

Question 4

1.    Suppose John is stuck in his car on the side of the road and needs help. I don’t know John, but I know that he has a sister–whom I would like to meet. In fact, I’ve been trying to figure out a way to introduce myself to her. Use the humanity principle to explain why it would be wrong to help John for this reason.(Please respond with Paragraph)

2. Using the universalizability categorical imperative, explain exactly why Kant thinks it is wrong to steal or commit adultery  (discuss only one—not both). Make sure you carry this as far as Kant demands you do to reveal the irrationality or absurdity of immoral acts—that is, it should lead to a contradiction of some sort involving stealing or adultery (and not some ancillary action). (Please respond with Paragraph)

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