Exploring our solar system

Access the interactive titled “What’s Your Favorite Planet?” under the “Outer Planets” terms section of the Science Corner. You can also view the interactive at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/space/favorite-planet.html. Identify your favorite planet, Next, use the Internet or Strayer Library to research articles regarding research and mission(s) that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has made on the planet that you have identified. Then, state the main reasons why the planet you have chosen is your favorite. Discuss the mission(s) and research that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has made to this planet, and explain the main benefits that the mission / research has had on our understanding of both the planet in question and the Earth.

Watch the video titled “Anatomy of the Sun” (3 min 21 sec) under The Sun terms section of the Science Corner. You can also view the video at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs/lab/sun/1/1/. Next, discuss the main physical processes that occur in each layer of the sun. Then, analyze the manner in which researchers use indirect methods to study these layers.

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Describe the cause and occurrence of the aurora borealis. Then explain why this phenomenon is confined to high northern latitudes and what influences the color of the aurora

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The main physical  process that occurs in each layer of the sun is that is made up of six layers. The suns core which is the nuclear reactor where the hydrogens atom fuse to form helium.The process release energy making is the hottest part of the sun. The  core above the zone is the radiative zone energy that is produce this core is radiated threw the core. The conductive zone is the layer where the plasma carries energy from the suns interior to its surface.The photosphere is smooth and calm the increase of spots in numbers. The researcher study the chromosphere and the corona to understand what is going on with the sun. 

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