First three Journal Entries (1 of 2 assignments)

Instructions: There is no paper for this course. You will instead keep a leadership journal consisting of 27 entries based mostly on exercises and assessments. The goal of this journal is to complete your personal assessment, reflection, and improved self-awareness. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it, and the higher grade you will receive. The first submission, due in Week 2, is to allow you to get initial and early feedback. The final journal is due in Week 7. Some assessments are in the book and some are not.The journal project is worth 240 total points. You will journal and submit your entry at the end of Weeks 2 and 7. The Week 2 journal is to allow you to receive instructor feedback so you can make any changes to your initial journal and increase your chances of earning an excellent grade on the final journal submission due in Week 7.Please carefully read the Leadership Class Journal Requirements and follow the instructions for formatting your journal and the requirements for your journal entries. You will find the details for your journal entries due in Week 2 and the journal entries due in Week 7.Select this link to access the  Leadership Class Journal RequirementsSelect this link to access a sample first journalRubricInitial Journal RubricInitial Journal RubricCriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEntry 1: Best Leader I have ExperiencedThink of a person who exemplifies a model of leadership from your life’s experience. Describe their traits and behaviors important to leadership. What traits or behaviors did they possess that made you willing to follow? What examples or model behaviors do you try to emulate that they modeled for you? Please provide at least a full page with three solid paragraphs.10.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJournal Entry 2: Self-Assessment 1-1: Leadership PotentialHow did you score on this assessment? What does it suggest about your leadership potential? Discuss whether you agree or disagree and why. Based on this assessment, what areas do you need to work on to improve your leadership skills? How may you use this information? Remember the three paragraph minimum expectation as outlined in the instructions.10.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJournal Entry 3: Self-Assessment 1-2: Managerial Leadership SkillsHow did you score on this assessment? What does it suggest about your managerial leadership skills? Discuss whether you agree or disagree and why. How may you use this information? Based on this assessment, what is your preference? How may you use this information? Remember the three paragraph minimum expectation as outlined in the instructions.10.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAttention to Detail, Quality, ReadabilityStudent followed naming and format scheme provided. Student completely answered questions for each entry. Overall quality of writing.10.0 ptsTotal Points: 40.0

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