Four questions of Survey Art History

    1.Examine the portrait of the Mughal emperor Jahangir (24-8).  We have already seen how Western rulers often used art to celebrate their rule. Those in the East were no different.  Look at the symbolism in this painting and discuss how Jahangir choose to have himself portrayed.

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    2.You will notice that literati painting is one of the dominant schools of painting in China.  What is meant by “literati painting”? It will help to read the section on Dong Qichang, one of the early and great theorists of the literati aesthetic.

    3.Japanes ukiyo-e prints were a truly democratic art in that most people could afford to own one and their subject matter represented the tastes of common urban dwellers. Look at the section in our book about ukiyo-e, it manufacture and its imagery and discuss how these works differed from Japanes “high” art.

    4.Watch the Closer Look Taj Mahal and write a paragraph examining the symbolism of the monumental tomb. Watch the Closer Look The Forbidden City and write a paragraph explaining how the structure exemplifies Chinese belief systems of the period. Look at Sen no Rikyu’s design of a tearoom (26-8) and watch the Closer Look Tea Bowl.  Analyze how the visual aspects of the tea ceremony reflect Zen principles.

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