Health Policy Group 4 Project

Work with your assigned group and assigned question. Identify the historical perspective, current issues/ problems (include regulations), and what is currently being done to change or improve.  Students will be graded as a group.

Please demonstrate engagement within group work.

·  Review the literature and address one of the following:

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o  Nurse Educator: Your group has been assigned to explore the competencies of a nurse educator. Your group will debate the preparation of DNPs versus PhD as nurse educators, stating the pros and cons of each preparation and include what agencies regulate nurse education. You will develop a comparison and contrast table and a narrative to explain.

For the above assignment, use the following guide:

§  Describe the current policy/status, which organization regulates and determine if it needs to change; if opposed to change, state why.

§  Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest; identify the groups who are opposed

§  Explain how AP roles (which ones) could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy or keep the policy the same and the impact in healthcare quality.

§  Demonstrate group cohesiveness

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