Hi, here are six questions needed help

1. In 1941, Henry Luce (who owned Time Magazine and other media properties) wrote an editorial arguing that the century going forward would be “the American Century.”  In what ways was the period from 1941 to 2016 the American Century, and what ways was it not?  On balance, would you agree that it still is the American Century? 

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2.  Consider the relationship between global collective action problems and global institutions over the period from 1950 to 2000.  Which major collective action problems have global institutions dealt with rather well, and which have they failed to deal with very well?  What explains the results you identify.  [Be sure to think about several different collective problems, and develop criteria to assess whether the collective action problems are dealt with well or not.]

3. Major powers attempted to create new world orders in 1919, 1945, and perhaps in 1991.  Why did those orders breakdown so quickly?  Was there a different pattern to their breakdowns?  Should we draw common lessons from their breakdowns or is each case different?  Explain. 

4. How is it determined and who determines whether the world order is predictable, stable, legitimate and enforced?  Why does it matter, and do the answers to these questions feedback on world order itself?

5. The course also argued that world order was challenged by success of major new actors or factors in world politics, by rejection of the world order by groups or states, by failure of the world order to handle problems (either new or old problems that return with much greater intensity), and by the inability or unwillingness of major actors to pay the costs of enforcing the world order.  Rank these sources of challenge along a continuum from the biggest challenge to the current world order to the least pressing challenge to world order.  Justify your ranking.

6.  What in your opinion is the biggest challenge to world order today:  China, the Middle East, Russia, Climate Change, terrorism, political polarization in the US, or something else?  Explain (be sure to indicate why you would rank your choice as the biggest threat).

This course is about global/world change throughout the century. Please answer the question based on this aspect. Each question need at least 300 words. Thank you.

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