I need help with a psychology discussion

Question A: Response from professor to Discussion Question w2. Response must be 150 words. (bolded text to be answered)

Original response:

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Job attitudes are essential to determining an employee’s motivation. When employees have good attitudes, they are more motivated which makes them more productive. Organizations have a responsibility to ensure employees are happy and satisfied in order to ensure they will provide the type of performance the employer expects. When organizations fail to take steps to ensure employees have a positive attitude towards the organization, it will negatively impact their job performance which will negatively impact the organizations profitability. One type of job attitude is the person who hates their job. This type of attitude can have a negative impact on the organization because the employee will not be motivated to do a good job and their negative attitude could rub off on another workers (Jex & Britt, 2008). People that hate their jobs complain which can bring down employee morale impacting all workers productivity. This will negatively impact the company’s bottom line or their ability to be totally profitable.


Jex, S. M. & Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational psychology: a scientist-practitioner approach. (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ:John Wiley and Sons.

Professor Response:

I think the whole relationship between attitudes and employee performance has been one that is compelling to most people.

We talked about statistics and research last week, and there are some anomalies in certain data sets that make it harder to find connections between attitudes and behaviors.  The comment made by Jex and Britt (2008) referring to a relatively low occurrence hearkens back to their chapter on research and data. Although, those numbers are pretty staggering, in relation to many other observable behaviors in the workplace, theft is relatively infrequent. In order to establish correlations between two events, they have to occur with some frequency or at least vary a wide amount. So it is difficult to establish a correlation between theft and employee attitudes, for example.

However, there has been a stronger relationship drawn in the literature between another counterproductive behavior and attitudes of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee engagement. That behavior is absenteeism. That is because it is a far more frequent behavior than some of the others discussed in this chapter.

Have you noticed in your own career a strong association between job attitudes and absenteeism (or other counterproductive behaviors)?


Jex, S. M. & Britt, T. W. (2008). Organizational psychology: a scientist-practitioner approach. (2nd ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.

Question B: Response from instructor. response must be 150 words and 1 peer reviwed reference:

Professor Response:

I like the conversation discussing the relationship between attitudes and performance. That relationship is always complicated. You have hit on one of the items that likely moderates that relationship – that is, some people put in extra effort no matter what.

Class, can you think of any other variables that might moderate the relationship between attitudes and performance? In other words, in what conditions do you think job performance might be the same regardless of attitude?

Question C: Response 150 words and 1 peer reviewed reference

Do you see where there could be biases in a performance judge’s (e.g. supervisor) observation and rating of an employee’s performance? What rater biases do you think are most prevalent? How could you mitigate such biases?

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