Identify the occupational therapy-related theory, film homework help

1. Begin by viewing the selected excerpts from the documentary film, Young @ Heart. For the purposes of the case study analysis, the Young @ Heart Chorus as depicted in the film will be the group and also the naturally occurring intervention to be identified as the case study for this assignment. Take notes about the Young @ Heart Chorus and its members while watching the film excerpts.

2.  Identify the occupational therapy-related theory you would like to use to analyze the case study. Choose one of the following: One of the Ecological Models in Occupational Therapy in W&S Ch. 38; or Kielhofner’s Model of Human Occupation (MOHO) in W&S Ch. 39; or Schultz’s Theory of Occupational Adaptation in W&S Ch. 40.

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3.  Write an outline to structure and guide the written presentation of your information for the case analysis.  Include the following in your paper:

  • What information about the Young @ Heart Chorus activities and chorus members would you want to include in the case analysis, based on the occupational therapy related theory you have chosen? Use examples from the film.
  • What unique features of this theory are particularly applicable to this Young @ Heart Chorus case study? Use examples from the film.
  • How might your analysis help to explain the ways in which participation in the Young @ Heart Chorus improves the day-to-day functioning of the chorus members? Use examples from the film.
  • How might your analysis help to explain the ways in which participation in the Young @ Heart Chorus improves the quality of life of the chorus members?  Use examples from the film.
  • Emanating from your theory-based case analysis, as a (hypothetical) OT consultant, what changes would you recommend: a) to help the Young @ Heart Chorus better meet the needs of its chorus members, b) to increase members’ participation and c) improve the quality of chorus members’ participation?
  • How would you address client-centered and culturally sensitive issues for this group as related to their rehearsals?
  • How would you address client-centered and culturally sensitive issues for this group as related to their performances?
  • What lessons can be learned from this case study analysis, to apply to future OT clients at the individual, group, and community level?

4.  Transform your notes into an APA-Style document, crediting the film in the paper’s References section. At the beginning of the paper, make sure you have an introduction that is one or two paragraphs in length. At the end of the paper, include a conclusion that is one or two paragraphs in length. Throughout the paper, use APA formatted headings to organize the information (refer to pages 62-62 in the APA Manual). Include an APA formatted title page (use the title page template as the first page of your document, found in Start Here/Course Resources).  Also include a references page. Refer to the APA Style Manual for the correct formatting and inclusion of citations (see page 177 in the APA manual that summarizes and provide examples) and references (see pages 198-224 in the APA manual that provides examples).

5.  Not counting the cover page and References page, your paper should be 8 pages in length, double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 point font with one-inch margins all around

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