Intro to Psychology Assignment

  1. Look at the list of concepts below. From the list, identify two or three things you are doing well in studying for your classes and two or three changes that you would make to improve your study skills. Your answer should include at least four psychological concepts related to memory. For each concept, you will need to define the psychological concept in your own words and explain how it relates to what you do well or do poorly but could improve on. Specific examples are helpful.
  • Elaborative encoding
  • Semantic encoding
  • Maintenance rehearsal
  • Chunking
  • Spacing effect
  • Context-dependent learning
  • State-dependent learning
  • Procedural memory
  • Priming
  • Retroactive or proactive interference
  • Serial position effect
  • Self-reference effect
  • Recall vs. recognition
  • Overlearning
  1. Look at the list of concepts below. From the list, identify two cognitive biases that you might have shown in everyday life. For each concept, you will need to define the psychological concept in your own words and then give a unique real life example of where it applies in your life (i.e. you  made the error or might made the error). You may not use examples already presented in the reading. They should be new examples. 
  • Source monitoring
  • Sleeper effect
  • Confirmation bias
  • Functional Fixedness
  • Misinformation Effect
  • Overconfidence
  • Representativeness heuristic
  • Availability heuristic
  • Salience
  • Cognitive accessibility
  • Counterfactual thinking
  1. Write your essay in a word processing program. As a reminder, you should use complete sentences (not a table or bullets) with definitions of concepts in your own words

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