Mood and addiction worksheet

University of Phoenix MaterialMood and Addictions WorksheetMatch the symptom with the correct disorder or episode._____ Daily depressed mood_____ Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide_____ Psychomotor agitation_____ Craving or strong desire or urge to use substance_____ Increased talkativeness_____ Withdrawal symptoms_____ Daily insomnia or hypersomnia_____ Daily diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities for most of the day_____ Daily feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt_____ Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to reduce or control substance use_____ Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity_____ Fatigue or energy loss_____ Tolerance_____ Significant weight loss or weight gain_____ Decreased need for sleep_____ Increase in goal-directed behavior_____ Taking a substance in larger amounts than instructed_____ Daily reduced ability to think or concentrate____ Failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home as a result of recurrent substance abuse_____ Irritable moodSubstance Abuse DisorderB. Manic EpisodeC. Depressive Episode

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