Natural Resources Worksheet

Complete the following table:  

Fossil Fuel

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Alternative Energy

Identify 3 types of both energy categories and what they are most often used to power.







Benefits to using these   energy types

Environmental impacts of using these energy types

Are these energy types renewable? Explain.

Using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources answer each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use.



Explore water supply and management in your   area using the internet. What is the source of your municipality’s drinking   water? Describe any concerns related   to the quantity and quality of this water source. Explain one thing you can do in your   everyday activities to conserve water.

Visit this Fish and Wildlife   Service website ( and perform a search of endangered species for your state. Select one species and explain why it is endangered and what is being done to help it recover.

What reason(s) for conserving life on Earth found do you find convincing? Explain.

Perform an internet search   using the search term “agricultural sustainability article.” Read one of the articles you find and   summarize it in 1-2 paragraphs. Based   on this article and the readings in the text do you think that current   large-scale industrial agricultural practices are sustainable? Why or why not? Give an example of a more sustainable   agricultural practice.

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