Negative consequences could result if parents followed Bem’s suggestion and Josephs, Markus, and Tafarodi argue that individuation does not serve as a significant source of esteem for American women, discussion help

Write two discussion questions from article. Discussion questions should neither be too specific (“What does the fourth word on p. 27 mean?”) nor too general (“Was this a good article? Why or why not?”). Try to strike a balance between the specific and general. Be sure to point the reader to the specific content of the article that your question addresses. Avoid questions with “yes/no” or “either/or” answers; good discussion questions are open-ended. Also avoid leading questions.

See below for examples of good discussion questions. Example Discussion Questions:

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1. What negative consequences could result if parents followed Bem’s suggestion to raise androgynous boys and girls? How might peers respond to boys with stereotypically feminine characteristics and girls with stereotypically masculine characteristics? What are the positive consequences of raising androgynous boys and girls? Where does one draw the line between a healthy de-emphasis on gender and a healthy acknowledgment of gender in raising children?

2. Josephs, Markus, and Tafarodi argue that individuation (distinguishing the self from others on the basis of talents or accomplishments) does not serve as a significant source of esteem for American women (because of gender-role socialization). How accurately does their argument describe women in the U.S.? Explain your response. How do women in the U.S. compare, in terms of how individualistic they are, to men and women in Asian cultures? How does the pressure that women feel in our society to be appropriately “feminine” interact with the individualistic norms that all Americans experience?

i want you to write 2 questions from both articles



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