Organizational Environment Assessment and Strategic Issue Identification, assignment help

Study Guide/Lecture for Unit 4 Strategic Planning

The topic for Unit 4 is:

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Organizational Environment Assessment and Strategic Issue Identification

Objectives for Unit 4 is:

5. Conduct a SWOT analysis to help clarify agency mission and goals.

7. Discuss strategies for overcoming barriers in strategic planning related to institutional and structural problems.

I have not started this Unit, so I am giving you the chapters to review and write up the lecture.

Chapter 5 & 6

Need 1500 words lecture/study on the material, it must have the following below.

  • Provide a written unit lesson below using your knowledge and experience to amplify and expand upon the information presented in the reading assignments.
  • Consider inserting examples and anecdotes that apply to the concepts to keep the students’ interest. How can you make the material valuable?
  • The lesson should be 10-pt. Arial, single-spaced, and at least two pages in length, 1500 words.

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