Questions in Psycholinguistics


Questions in Psycholinguistics

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Language is an important tool for storing, organizing, and retrieving information that has been acquired throughout one’s life, as well as for thinking, modifying, and sharing such information with others. Thus, there are many questions researchers ask about language and its use. For this assignment, complete the steps listed below:

    • More than half a century ago, two researchers, Noam Chomsky and B. F. Skinner, debated the role of nature and nurture in language acquisition. What was the viewpoint of each researcher?  What was the evidence upon which their contrasting viewpoints relied?
  • Review the literature on the selected topic.  For each topic, use at least two peer-reviewed articles that can answer the question(s) related to it. 

Engage your critical thinking skills. Carefully summarize the evidence you have found and then critically examine it. For instance, ask yourself if the available evidence is sufficient to support the interpretations that researchers have proposed, and/or whether there are ambiguities and unknowns. 

Guidelines for the AssignmentFor the selected topic, you must:

  • Start with a title page and end with a reference page
    • The title page must contain the following items (title of paper, student’s name, course name and number, instructor’s name, and due date). 
  • Be at least five double-spaced pages in length (without counting the title page and the reference page).
  • Begin with an introduction to the selected topic in which you define all concepts that will be discussed in the paper.
  • Briefly summarize the content of the selected article according to the guidelines described above. 
  • Analyze the key findings, illustrating the consistencies and inconsistencies.
  • Conclude your paper by expressing your thoughts about the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence.  If possible, suggest the course that future research should take if answers are less than conclusive.
  • The reference section will be the final page of the paper.  In this section, you will cite the articles you have chosen to discuss in the paper and any other source that you have used. Be sure you follow the 6th edition of the APA guidelines as laid out by the Ashford Writing Center.

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