RE: Discussion Question

A. Identify the behavioral criteria of the major DSM-5 categories of personality and substance-related disorders. (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

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B. Describe the prevalence and causes of personality and substance-related disorders. (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

C. Examine the contemporary approaches, based on theoretical models and current research that are used for treatment of personality and substance-related disorders. (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

D. ERR:  Addicted to Ice (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

E. ERR: Agony of Ecstasy (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

F. ERR: Prescription  Addiction (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

G.  Discussion on Borderline Personality Disorder (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

Watch the “Should I Live, Should I Die? Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder” video. What are some ways that the symptoms manifest in behavior for BPD? What are some treatment options?

H. ERR: Watch “Do I Drink Too Much? Human Biology, Genetics, and Alcohol,” (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

I. Discussion on personality disorders (150 word minimum 1 peer reviewed reference and your opinion)

Can personality disorders be treated? Explain your answer. 

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