Relativism, discussion help

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The strongest argument against relativism in my opinion is that sometimes there can be conflict within our culture that makes it incoherent, which goes against the relativist argument that culture determines our values. American philosopher Donald Davidson explains that relativism is incoherent for several reasons. One, if we keep in mind that a relativist is right based on his beliefs, which are relative to his or her society, and also within any society, a person can “belong” to many different kinds of groups. The major conflict is the member belonging to many of the groups within the society. The example below illustrates the point:

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Consider Jafari, who has lived for most of his life in France but was born in Egypt. His native language is Arabic and he is Muslim. From which group does he derive his values? What if one group to which Jafari belongs approves of, say, restricting women from working outside the home, whereas another group to which he belongs disapproves of such a prohibition? How does Jafari figure out whether it is right or wrong?

This example clearly shows the inadequacies in the relativism belief, and one could easily discern how ambiguous the rational logic will be in deciding whether one thing is right over the other. The difficult part to answering the question is figuring out the objective truth over the subjective truth. Does picking one make you hypocritical to the other? That question alone will test how morally motivated you are to what you believe in! This was definitely a good example for me to use that I believe drove out some good point to contest the arguments validity. I have quite a few relative beliefs, but after this first week of class, I now realize that they were more subjective truths than objective truths. Learning how to think critically and understand the validity of my beliefs is something that I am looking forward to. What a first week!!!

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