Response to D# 3 (3167)

Please, respond to the following discussion by using peer-reviewed Nursing Journal not older than 5 years. APA format required.Nursing Research and Evidence-Based PracticeEvidence based practice (EBP) is related to nursing research in several ways. Evidence based practices use researched knowledge in order to improve a practice. A fundamental part of EBP is using the best presented research evidence and integrating it with other factors in making clinical decisions to improve the outcomes (Polit & Beck, 2018). Nurses need to understand a research in order to use it and to center the evidence of its practice in order to adjust it to possibly perform an EBP.Nursing research and EBP have their differences as well. There are different requirements for nurses to do either. Any nurse can perform an EBP. They can use a knowledge in nursing and improve the results of a practice by changing a few things. A group of RNs’ on a rehabilitation unit can give group talk sessions about fall prevention measures with patients and family member and record if there are less falls in the unit as a result of this practice. Nurses need a higher education in order to perform researches. Many researches companies require that nurse acquire a master’s in nursing, or even a doctorate, prior to be hire. Both nursing research and EBP has a different set of steps to follow. Nursing research involves concepts, constructs, theories, variable, and research data (Polit & Beck, 2018). Nursing researches can be based on nursing, medical, or any other science that could relate with nursing. EBP, on the contrary, will use of a research knowledge, find a group to test, perform an intervention, compare the results, check for outcomes and make better decisions based on the best evidence. Also, there are four essential EBP skills which are asking a practice question using the PICO method, retrieving evidence from the literature, appraising the evidence, and synthesizing the evidence (Howe & Close, 2016).In conclusion, a nursing research is a development of a new knowledge based on a study perform by nurses with a higher education while EBP can be performed by a nurse with the knowledge already known and with better evidences will improve its application.

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