Select A Song that impacted our era

I was thinking about Michael Jackson but you can pick

Write an essay about the cultural impact of popular music on society, and how it reflects the social issues of its time of production.

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  • Select a popular song from the era of your choice (1950’s – 2000’s), and discuss its cultural impact.
  • Analyze the meaning of the lyrics, and discuss how this song represents an element of popular culture/ American society.
  • The main focus of your essay should be regarding symbolism, and the symbolic nature of the song you have chosen.
  • Give some background into the musician or musical group you have chosen.
  • Then, discuss some of the social and political issues present in American and, if relevant, international culture that were going on at the time of the song’s release.

This paper should be 2-3 pages, in APA style, utilizing library resources. A minimum of one scholarly article should be included in your essay.

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