Short Answer Questions

2. Aronson and O’Leary conducted a study designed to encourage water conservation among male students showering at the university field house. Under what conditions were students less likely to conserve water? Explain the conditions under which students were more likely to conserve water (by turning off the shower while soaping up).3. Why did Milgram conduct his experiments on obedience? What features, according to Article #4 in Readings About the Social Animal, helped to account for the high levels of obedience displayed by Milgram’s subjects?4. Define and give examples of compliance, identification, and internalization. Which of these has the most permanent influence on an individual’s behavior? Select one of these responses and describe an instance of your own behavior that might be or have been the result of this particular type of social influence.5. Why don’t bystanders come to the aid of victims of injury or crime? Summarize the reasons for non-intervention by bystanders. Summarize the conditions under which some bystanders do respond to someone in distress.APA format. Answer each question thoroughly.  Due 9/10/17 (won’t let me choose today)

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