Short note to someone you have a conflict with, Wk 4 – Assignment – E294 help


Conversation in Writing Voice

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Write a short note (2 or 3 paragraphs) to someone you have been in conflict with at some point, someone who has caused strong emotion. Even though you are writing directly that someone, include enough details that the reader (the class) can understand the situation. Try to make your voice convey tone and attitude. When a writer chooses a subject that evokes strong emotion in the writer, chances are good that the reader will experience that emotion, too, if the voice is authentic and authoritative. [As always, do not share stories you’re not comfortable sharing — there are plenty of conflicts in our life to choose from!]

Then write a response that this person might send back to you, imitating that person’s voice. You can make the tone and attitude any way you want. The tone may arise naturally from your feelings as you write.

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