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Content Requirements

In this last section of your Research Project, you will have a chance to share your own insights and perspectives. However, you will need to be careful. Just because this section will reflect your own personal perceptions that does not mean we can simply drop the scientific approach and language we have been required to use throughout this process. You will need to maintain that third-person viewpoint as you develop this final section.

I know this sounds redundant (repetitive), but you should begin this section by again briefly describing the intent of the research and what the research hopes to add to the discussion or field of study. Once you have reintroduced the topic, you are free to shape your Discussion. The following prompts may help you as your form your response:

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  • You may want to provide an interpretation of what was learned through the research and the findings.
  • If the hypothesis was wrong, why? What was not considered or has not yet been discovered that may help support the original hypothesis?
  • If the hypothesis was right, might there be elements of the research that the hypothesis did not consider or should have considered.
  • How can your findings help enhance or support other literature related to your field of study?
  • Did some of your research raise questions or hint to areas needing further study or consideration?
  • Are there different ways that the data could have been interpreted or were there limitations in your research that may have affected the outcome?
  • Does your research suggest further areas or raise other questions that need to be answered?

Once you have completed a draft of this section, submit it to your Facilitator.

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