Social Psychology

Find and describe examples of twelve different social psychological phenomena. Social psychological phenomena can include any idea, concept, or principle covered in class or your textbook (even modules in your textbook that were not assigned reading). Six of these examples can be personal experiences or anecdotes, as long as you describe these experiences in sufficient detail. At least six examples must be news stories, episodes from television shows, plots from movies/plays/books, song lyrics, cartoons, advertisements, historical events, urban legends, etc.

For each example you will need to:

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-provide either the actual example (such as song lyrics or a news story printed from the Internet) or a detailed description of the example.

-describe the applicable social psychological phenomenon in enough detail that it’s clear you understand it.  

-explain how your example is linked to the social psychological phenomenon in question.

Please remember:

-although it is possible that you will be able to find mentions of specific social psychological phenomena in the media, it is more likely that you will need to apply social psychological principles in order to come up with your examples. Any example provided in PowerPoint files, on the class discussion boards, or in your textbook cannot be used.  

-to type your portfolio in an easy-to-read font. 

-to do your own work. Sharing or using shared examples of social psychological phenomena with your classmates will be considered plagiarism for the purposes of this assignment, and will result in a score of 0.  

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