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The 2nd stage of writing process is prewriting 

Ture or false


put a ………… before the ……………. and, but, for, nor, or, so and yet when they connect two independent clauses.


The …………….. is used in writing to join two sentences with closely related thoughts.


When you write, …………….. can help your readers hear what is being said. This is especially true when writing a narrative.


There are six types of hooks, and they are as follows: the rhetorical ………………. , the contrast to the ……………. , the personal ……………….. , a fact or statistic, a current event, and a …………………  .

Q6: In an essay, there are three parts of the introductory paragraph, and in correct order they are the ……………..  the ……………  , and the ………………….  .


In an essay, it is the function of the body paragraphs to support or prove the thesis. 

Ture or False


A …………………. is used to direct attention to words that follow it in a sentence. Typically, it is followed by an explanation or elaboration , a list, a quotation, and so on.


Brainstorming  is an example of the 2nd stage of the Writing process

Ture or False


you cannot use first person or second person in your paper. it must be written in ………………. person.


Examples of 2nd person are “I” and “me”

Ture or False


Which of the following sentence is not correct :

A. Peter is a good student; he knows that he must come to class and do his work, or he will not pass the course.

B. John and James went to the game and then to the mall.

C. Samantha and Karen are always late to class, and they always have excuses.

D. Maria went with Jason and Sharon to the mall, and to Subway.


There are two questions that you should ask yourself when you begin to write, and they are as follows: Who is your …………… ,? and What is your ……………………….. ?


Which of the following sentences is correct as it written ?

A. Morgan is good school and I am enjoying being here.

B. The future seems bright and I am planning on doing well in school.

C. All my students are bright but some of them are lazy.

D. Good writing takes lots of practice and reading, but most students are not willing to make the effort to practice and read a lot.


There are ways to make your paragraphs coherent so that readers con follow your train of thought. Repitition, parallelism, and ……………………. are the strategies for making paragraphs flow.


The thesis statement can be anywhere in the first paragraph, and it is okay for it to be a question as long as it is clear.

Ture or False


It is not important for your paper to be  interesting to the reader as long as the punctuation is correct.

Ture or False


As it realates to the Writing Process,  revising means to deal with ……………………….. level errors in your paper, while ……………….. means to deal with surface level errors in your paper.


Besides maybe if the are items in a series, a comma is never after a coordinationg conjunction in a sentence.

Ture or False

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